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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#405 (master - 3b926fd : Ryan Curtin): The build is still failing.
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< kirizaki> hi
< kirizaki> about backtrace - I can't do anything with portability on OS X and other macs, what should I do whit this?
< kirizaki> I have no idea to be honest
< kirizaki> virtual box?
< rcurtin> kirizaki: sorry about slow responses... I will try to test portability on OS X tonight
< zoq> Okay, it turns out that if you install binutils using homebrew it doesn't come with libiberty because of ''.
< zoq> Unfortunately there is no brew formula for libiberty. So you need to install it manually. Afterwards, you can link against '-liberty'.
< zoq> Unfortunately there is no brew formula for libiberty. So you need to install it manually. Afterwards, you can link against '-liberty'. But now it turns out you also need to link against libintl which comes with the gettext package. Turns out gettext ships with OS X (default). So my gettext package conflicts with the default version.
< zoq> No problem adjust the path and we are fine. At the end we can link against the lib '-lintl'.
< zoq> Now the source code build fine, but prints an error message 'Failed to open executable! : No such file or directory'. On OS X there is no '/proc/self/exe', any ideas?
< zoq> out for dinner
< kirizaki> yes, it's looking for .out file process, I have to use i.e. #ifdef OS_X, thank You for this
< kirizaki> I mean, 'memory snapshot'
< zoq> I guess I can figure out what we need to change to make it work on OS X.
< kirizaki> is there same possibility to get it?
< kirizaki> just different location in 'root'?
< zoq> I guess on OS X you have to use the _NSGetExecutablePath function. I'll check it out tomorrow.
< kirizaki> thanks I'm gonna read about it
< kirizaki> but after all this backtrace is weak :p
< kirizaki> it points on methods only and line number is 1st line of method, worst gonna be if method will be very big?
< kirizaki> and which object exactly has broke the program