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< kirizaki> Hello guys
< kirizaki> I just want to ask about this 'sort of backtrace'
< kirizaki> cause I didn't had time for coding today
< rcurtin> my freebsd box is sparc64, so upgrading is difficult and I don't have a compiler that works yet :(
< rcurtin> I'm at a conference too, so finding time is a bit more difficult than I'd hoped
< rcurtin> the conference runs from 8am to midnight...
< kirizaki> xD
< kirizaki> nice party over there I see :)
< kirizaki> have fun then
< rcurtin> the parties start at midnight, I think, so I'm not sure how anyone gets any sleep at all before the next morning at 8am...
< kirizaki> btw. i'm would like to install few OSs in virtual box to code and test mlpack
< kirizaki> are there some
< kirizaki> types which You prefer to get for this?
< kirizaki> types - exact systems
< kirizaki> for sure I can't get OS X or other mac OS
< kirizaki> I want windows 7
< kirizaki> I ask because there is too much for me right now and I don't have idea which are good to test mlpack (i.e. this sort of backtrace)
< kirizaki> too much of those OSes
< rcurtin> we don't have a good windows 7 testbed at the moment
< rcurtin> a long time ago I set up a windows 7 system or two, but I never had any time to maintain them
< rcurtin> there are a few people on github who occasionally comment on when something in the windows build gets broken
< rcurtin> when I do testing for portability, I usually test on a couple linux distributions (I have an amd64 desktop and an arm laptop that I use), plus OS X (my work gave me a macbook, so I can test on that too)
< rcurtin> and sometimes, freebsd on sparc64, on this ancient Sun system I found
< rcurtin> but that freebsd install doesn't have a C++11 compiler and it'll take a little while for me to get it working...
< kirizaki> right now i have only ubunt/debian on amd64
< kirizaki> this linux mint 17.2
< kirizaki> but for sure i'll start with windows
< kirizaki> 7
< kirizaki> and maybe freeBSD if I'll find some time :P
< rcurtin> yeah, and if you have problems getting mlpack compiled on windows 7, file bugs and we can get stuff worked out :)
< zoq> kirizaki: No progress regarding the backtrace problem on my side. I'll look into the problem on Friday.
< kirizaki> can I ask about some offtopic?
< zoq> kirizaki: Sure
< kirizaki> I had today an interview on Junior Software Developer
< kirizaki> and there are some problems which I have to rethink carefully
< kirizaki> first I will drive to work everyday ~38miles one way
< kirizaki> second they require C++ &| Java
< kirizaki> but they want me to give some workshops from theyre own native language
< kirizaki> I will work in banking branch, writing low level scripts for personalisation of debt/credit cards
< kirizaki> they have this
< kirizaki> 'Summer Kanda' native language based on python and bash
< kirizaki> and the question, learning and developing in native language is good choice?
< kirizaki> or is it some kind of trap, to teach juniors how to work in technologies which are not used in IT, if You know what I mean
< kirizaki> at friday I have second and last interview, when I should give an answer, am I taking this offer (which is really too fast I think, rush)
< kirizaki> I should mention that it can be my 1st job as a developer
< kirizaki> and I don't know should I go in just to get 'title' Jr. Soft. Dev. to my CV or wait a while and look for better offer in more common technology (i.e. C++)
< kirizaki> ?
< rcurtin> kirizaki: 38 miles each way is a long commute...
< kirizaki> yes, right now I have some like ~20...
< rcurtin> but if it's your first development job, I think it's definitely better than nothing
< rcurtin> I don't think I would spend 10 years there if I were you, but maybe a year or two while looking for other jobs would be good
< kirizaki> right now I'm doing some WDM modules (production worker) and it's just for financial continuity
< rcurtin> I think it also depends on whether or not you have any other offers or leads
< kirizaki> right now let's say nothing
< rcurtin> and how important it is to take a new job, like whether or not your current job is ending or if it is stable and you could stay there where you can keep looking for other positions
< kirizaki> I'm waiting on one decision from MISYS - american company, maybe You know
< kirizaki> branch in my city, but I don't believie in positive news or even on any news because i'm waiting more then 5 weeks already
< rcurtin> :(
< kirizaki> but nevermind
< kirizaki> the main problem - native language
< rcurtin> yeah, the problem is that the job would have you writing the 'Summer Kanda' language, not something more common?
< kirizaki> exactly
< kirizaki> they say, ohh, You know, later You will get some additional projects i.e. C++ / C# / Java, etc.
< rcurtin> if they're honest, that shouldn't be a problem, but even if not, you can keep up to date by writing code in your free time (which I think you're already doing with mlpack :))
< rcurtin> I do think that if you're trying to move into a developer position, this is not a bad opportunity to do that
< rcurtin> and you could build on this job for the future
< kirizaki> but it's difficult to say are they just pool the wool over m eyes
< kirizaki> yeah, it can be investment for me
< rcurtin> I think another important factor is, if you take the job and it's a bad job, how hard would it be to find another position in your city?
< kirizaki> ohh, and last thins, they say that there will be for sure more work with docs then strict coding
< zoq> I'm not sure if the language really matters. I learned some 'languages' over the last years, that aren't really used or used only in some special field.
< kirizaki> ok, thank You guys, You give me some tips, it helps me
< rcurtin> :)
< kirizaki> and the funny thing is I was a Electro Technical Officer at sea :)
< kirizaki> but seaman is not for me
< kirizaki> seaman life*
< rcurtin> I think zoq is right, hopefully what companies are looking for in the future is experience with coding, not just experience with a particular language; usually knowledge of one language can translate
< rcurtin> (no pun intended...)
< rcurtin> life at sea... never done that, must be a very big change from life on land (which is what I'm more familiar with) :)
< kirizaki> a lot of non responsible prostitute-f*ckers-big-alcoholics at sea :P
< zoq> :)
< kirizaki> in short term
< kirizaki> ok, i'm gonna pass today faster then usually, maybe I can get some more sleep tonight, thank You guys again and have a nice party there Ryan ;)
< rcurtin> haha
< rcurtin> I think I need some sleep too...
< rcurtin> there are lots of protests going on in montreal about teacher contracts and things like this
< rcurtin> and they are right outside my hotel room window...
< rcurtin> so I got woken up really early... but I went outside and had fun marching around with the protestors. not entirely sure what I was protesting for, but hey, it was fun :)
< kirizaki> hahahaha
< zoq> Isn't it cold outside?
< rcurtin> yeah, about 0C, I'm surprised people are outside all day doing this. I guess they must be really devoted
< rcurtin> last year at this time it was so cold. I'm reading in the newspapers that it's apparently a mild winter, but it's way colder here than what I'm used to :)
< zoq> yeah, last year there was so much snow.
< rcurtin> no snow at all this year, it's like a completely different city
< kirizaki> You know, I had this practice at sea as cadet electricia and I was sailing 6 months no-stop Brasil-Texas
< kirizaki> it was ~30 C deg all the time
< rcurtin> 30C! too hot :(
< kirizaki> in machinery (where I used to work each day) around ~50 deg C
< rcurtin> wow
< rcurtin> I think I would sweat to death
< rcurtin> that's crazy
< kirizaki> and when my contract finished and I came back to Poland it was like ~jeeez! soo cold!~
< rcurtin> haha
< rcurtin> I bet
< kirizaki> few days ago I thought - maybe I should pack myself and go over there again, IT'S TOO COLD NOW! xD due that I'm very skinny
< kirizaki> and we have ~0C
< rcurtin> :)
< kirizaki> ok, I'm out, bye!
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#401 (master - dd7c8b9 : ryan): The build is still failing.
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