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< kirizaki> any ideas why after installing/uninstalling mlpack1.0.12 and then installing mlpack-master i can't compile any program dependent on mlpack?
< kirizaki> i mean i have this veeeery long list of errors
< kirizaki> should i show it?
< rcurtin> kirizaki: how did you uninstall?
< rcurtin> I'll take a look at the errors in pastebin if you want
< kirizaki> by hand, $: locate mlpack
< kirizaki> and then delete each dirs/files
< kirizaki> :P
< rcurtin> hm, so the most important things to remove will be /usr/local/include/mlpack and /usr/local/lib/libmlpack*
< rcurtin> assuming you installed to /usr/local/
< kirizaki> give me some time with log cause im building now 1.12.0
< kirizaki> yes, i delete those You wrote
< rcurtin> I need to get some lunch... I'll be back in about an hour or maybe a bit less, and I'll take a look then
< kirizaki> ok
< rcurtin> alright, I'm back, if you have errors or anything you want me to look at
< kirizaki> in few minutes, i was out too
< rcurtin> sure, no hurry
< kirizaki> ok, i build master again and now i have different error ;p
< kirizaki> it dosnt see armadillo... =o
< rcurtin> does the file /usr/local/include/mlpack/core/util/arma_config.hpp exist?
< kirizaki> oh jeez
< kirizaki> no!
< kirizaki> why? :P
< kirizaki> do i should install arma each time or i don;t know now
< rcurtin> arma_config.hpp should be autogenerated by cmake for mlpack
< rcurtin> where did you install mlpack from? in the build directory, does include/mlpack/core/util/arma_config.hpp exist there?
< kirizaki> ill check...
< kirizaki> i build it from: mlpack_master/build/
< kirizaki> and mlpack_master/src/mlpack/core/util/arma_config.hpp exists
< kirizaki> but not in include/.../
< rcurtin> okay, I think maybe the cmake configuration is borked
< rcurtin> let me look into that
< kirizaki> ok
< rcurtin> but just copy arma_config.hpp into /usr/local/include/mlpack/core/util/ and that should work for now
< rcurtin> sorry about that
< kirizaki> np.
< kirizaki> let You know, is it good now
< rcurtin> sorry, I'm not sure what you mean
< kirizaki> i meant that I'm gonna let You know when I copy arma_config.hpp
< rcurtin> ah, okay
< kirizaki> and I did it
< kirizaki> but now I have this problem about which I meant at the beginning
< kirizaki> arma_config_check.hpp don't see arma_config.hpp
< rcurtin> but you say that /usr/local/include/mlpack/core/util/arma_config.hpp exists now?
< rcurtin> make sure all of the path is right...
< kirizaki> yes
< rcurtin> you'll also need to specify -std=c++11 to the compiler
< kirizaki> ok
< kirizaki> ok
< kirizaki> its working now
< kirizaki> the problem was i didn't specify -std=c++11
< kirizaki> I should read all logs more carefully
< rcurtin> yes, I see now in your pastebin log that the arma_config.hpp error was from an earlier run
< kirizaki> yes
< rcurtin> I can't reproduce the situation where arma_config.hpp doesn't exist; I built the current mlpack git version, installed, and arma_config.hpp is installed correctly
< rcurtin> so since I can't reproduce it, I'm not sure how it happened in your case...
< rcurtin> if you can reproduce it, I'll look further into it
< rcurtin> but don't feel obligated -- I haven't heard about a problem like this from anyone else, so maybe it was some weird accident or something
< kirizaki> maybe i didnt give make install cmd...
< kirizaki> but without it i should have dir /usr/include/mlpack/
< kirizaki> shouldn't*
< kirizaki> nvm i will make clean mlpack-master again just to be sure
< rcurtin> if you do this, it should work fine:
< rcurtin> remove all mlpack files: /usr/local/include/mlpack, /usr/local/lib/libmlpack*, programs in /usr/local/bin/ that belong to mlpack
< rcurtin> then rebuild and install, in the build directory for your git master clone: make clean install
< kirizaki> ok, its working properly ;)
< kirizaki> btw.
< kirizaki> I have this timer bug prepared
< rcurtin> with the stopping the timers when CLI is deleted?
< rcurtin> if that works right, submit a PR, I'll merge it in
< kirizaki> ok
< kirizaki> ok, made PR
< kirizaki> i test it in many many situations and its working properly
< rcurtin> great, thanks
< kirizaki> no problem
kirizaki has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]