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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#396 (master - de31c15 : Ryan Curtin): The build has errored.
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< kirizaki> Hello
< kirizaki> did someone tried: ?
< rcurtin> hi kirizaki
< rcurtin> I tried it on Linux
< rcurtin> I wanted to test on OS X and FreeBSD before I got back to you
< rcurtin> it works with both gcc and clang
< rcurtin> it looks great to me, I think it's a wonderful improvement
< rcurtin> I just want to see if it's portable to OS X or other platforms :)
< zoq> Does it work right out of the box? I just tested the code on OS X using homebrew to install binutils and FreeBSD 10. I ended up with the following error: '/usr/local/include/bfd.h:35:2: error: config.h must be included before this header
< zoq> #error config.h must be included before this header'.
< kirizaki> hmm... wait, I had this problem once but I don't remember how i solve it
< kirizaki> i'll just try to make it again
< zoq> sounds good :)
< rcurtin> I'm still trying to upgrade my freebsd installation to have a newer compiler... it's an old sparc64 system so it's quite slow...
< kirizaki> #zoq
< kirizaki> try to add:
< kirizaki> #define PACKAGE 1
< kirizaki> #define PACKAGE_VERSION 1
< kirizaki> in 'stack.cpp'
< kirizaki> cause I can't reproduce this error
< kirizaki> let me know if problem is still showing up
< zoq> kirizaki: It doesn't work, but I could resolve the error by putting the defines before the '#include <bfd.h>'. But now it looks like brew builds binutils against libstdc++ and not libc++ ...
< zoq> On FreeBSD I get the following error "/usr/local/include/bfd.h:6307:3: error: unknown type name 'ENUM_BITFIELD' ENUM_BITFIELD (bfd_format) format : 3;", not sure if it's related with the fix.
< kirizaki> ok, sry but I have to go right now, I will dig tommorow for some solutions
< kirizaki> thank You for help
< zoq> I'll see if I can up with a solution.
< kirizaki> the problem is that I don't have FreeBSD, OS X and even Windows and I think I should change it, get some virtual box on my linux mint
< kirizaki> bye now
< zoq> bye, see ya
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< rcurtin> whenever I get my freebsd box updated I will see if I can figure something out :)
< rcurtin> (that might be a few days...)
< zoq> sounds good :)
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