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< naywhayare> decltypeme: thanks for pointing that out; I'll have to think about the right way to fix this
< naywhayare> (the const requirement on MetricType::Evaluate() for k-means, that is)
< decltypeme> great I made it const and it compiled .. do not know if being static will work also or not
< naywhayare> if it's static, that should be fine; and if it's not, that should be fine too
< naywhayare> internally, the KMeans class will hold a MetricType object, and will call that
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< decltypeme> Do you have an idea how to cluster strings? I used hammingDistance as the distance metric and just made the features ASCII of chars?
< naywhayare> take a look at src/mlpack/core/kernels/pspectrum_string_kernel.hpp
< naywhayare> that uses a "fake" armadillo matrix so that when Evaluate() is called, what you get is the index of the strings to be compared
< naywhayare> so if you had some string comparison function which was a metric, you could use the same type of technique
< naywhayare> but... string datasets with mlpack are kind of... difficult, unfortunately
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