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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#67 (master - 9a55cac : ryan): The build passed.
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< rohitshinde> Hello
< rohitshinde> I am rohitshinde
< rohitshinde> *rohit shinde
< rohitshinde> I am going to implement quadtrees and octrees
< rohitshinde> Could I get some introductory papers on thesse types of trees?
< rohitshinde> I know that a quadtree has four children
< rohitshinde> each node has 4 children in a quadtree has 4 children
< rohitshinde> But when is a node split?
< rohitshinde> And what is stored in a node?
< rohitshinde> And during insertion, at which leaf node is the data stored?
< rohitshinde> Basically, I want to know how to insert data into a quadtree
< rohitshinde> Could I please get help?
< naywhayare> rohitshinde: I always thought the wikipedia page on quadtrees was a good introduction
< naywhayare> personally, I would say that only leaf nodes should store the data, so nodes higher up in the tree do not actually store the data points
< naywhayare> you can take a look at the existing kd-tree implementation (BinarySpaceTree<>) to see what I mean
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#68 (master - ea0d81f : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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