i saw it when i made my recent MR to dorian, but did not have time to attempt a fix. i will only start to have time at the beginning of December (I hope) ... but my TODO list is already packed.
i'm clueless with C++, but I could add this task on my todo as well if it'll still be useful
pere: I understand your frustration, but yes, we are basically 3-4 (at most) devs working in our spare time on the project and yes, things like working audio, conversations, contacts, phone calls, phone settings, etc are considered with higher prio than book reader. Believe me, it is not that we don;t want patches, but day is only 24 hours.
maybe you can become maintainer of the said book reader
dunno, now I see Wizzup being maintainer, but I guess that's because he imported it in the repos
Wizzup: ^^^ what do you think
at the moment maemo do not have any relevant usecases for me, have been considering using it as a ebook reader, but it is not working well, so my motivation for maintaining any of the packages is low.
did also consider it as a address book, but lacked the time to figure out how to get my old dongle connected to my ical server.
I understand, however, could you elaborate on what is missing (besides the book reader that fits your needs, obviously :) )
hmm, I think we have instructions on wiki in regards to ical
It has been a while since I looked at it, but I have vague memories of having no way to keep the ical connect password only in memory, only found a way to store it on disk, and I do not want that.
pere: you use Leste on N900? or different device?
ah, my other message was lost ...
I got a old N900 which I might use as a simple PDA, not as a phone.
i'm biased, but its also great for running weechat and lurking in this channel...
* n900
goes back to lurking
so I was saying I can look at the open dorian issues and fix whatever I can. perhaps mid Dec, since early Dec I really need to focus on the L5 port
sicelo: want a short lesson on pointers etc? mow I have 10 minutes free
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yes, let's do it :-)
ok, so...
imagine, for simplicity, a 16bit processor that supports only real addresses (no virtual addressing)
and lets assume it has 64KB of memory attached to its address bus
that's the maximum amount of memory this CPU can address without hacks (like shadow mem , virtual addresses, etc)
yes, following
also, assume linear addressing (no paging)
so, each byte of that memory will have address from 0000 to FFFF
yes, am with you
so, consider this C code:
void main() {
int a = 2;
int *pa = &2;
*pa = 3;
what we do here is:
we declare a var and assign 2 to it
yes. understandable
it the 'real life', i.e. the memory of the CPU, this will mean that on some address (in the stack, as this is local variable) we will have value of 0x0002 stored
for simplicity, lets assume that int is 16 bits on that platform
oops, I made a typo
int *pa = &2; should be int *pa = &a;
this line gets the *address* of the memory where the value of a is stored
stack and heap I'm also not too clear about, but I guess that's not too relevant for this
it is not
those are just different parts of memory
so, do you get the idea of "gets the *address* of...' statement?
&a is the address. yes I get that
so *pa is what stores that address
so, if the value of a (0x0002) is stored at address 0xBEEF, then pa will have a value of 0xBEEF
so, '&' means 'take the address of'
is it clear so far?
BTW, the *value* of pa is also stored in the memory, lets assume on address 0xDEAD
right, yes make sense
another thing - pa is *pointer to int*
which means 'this variable is of such a type, that it holds and address of a memory block that contains int value'
we can take the address of pa as well, with int **ppa = &pa;
mind those '**'
this is pointer-to-poiner-to-int
right, yes
and we can do that as many times as we want, but in practice it stops at '***'
any questions so far?
i completely understand
no, what we can do if we want to assign 3 to a
we can simply do a=3;
a = 3 :-)
but we can cheat, and do '*pa = 3' instead ;)
that's called de-referencing
pa 'references' a as it hold a address
store 3 in the location specified by pa?
'*' operator when used with pointer means:
do the next operation ( = in our case) with the *memory* that is pointed by the pointer
we can do pa = (int *)3 as well
operation in the brackets is called 'casting'
otherwise compiler will spit on us
yes, i know casting
so pa = (int *)3 will put 3 at memory address 0xDEAD instead of 0xBEEF
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read the backscroll for which var is stored where in the memory
this one's a bit confusing because it sounds like put the address of 3 in pa?
look at it like pa = 3
(int *) is to make compiler happy
if we want to 'take the address of 3' (which is not allowed), we shall do &3
ah right
one may ask why we need pointers at all?
that i understand ...
so we can, for example, modify variables in place, e.g. strings
2 of the main reasons are - dynamic memory allocation and parameters passing
one note: C have no idea what 'string' is ;)
yes, i recall :-)
ok, so far anything unclear?
it's clear.
now, about . and ->
those are used with structs
of course the `pa = (int *)3` example i'll need to revisit :-)
lemme elaborate on it
it will assign 3 to pa, and if you try to dereference pa by doing *pa = 5, most - probably you'll get segfault, as it will try to store 0x0005 at memory address 0x0003
i see
usually addresses at the beginning of the address space are reserved for the OS, or interrupt vectors, etc. but that's irrelevant here - what is relevant is that you access address that does not belong to your program, simply to speak
ignoring the (int *) part, so it's pa = 3 ... i.e. make pa hold 3, so the pointer points at 0x0003?
ok. i was hung up on the (int *)
that's just for the compiler
i think i get it properly now
now, you cans see things like char *s = NULL; all over the place
usually pointers are initialized with 0 (NULL is defined as (void *)0 most of the times)
this is done so if we use that pointer to hold address of a dynamically allocated memory, we can later on check if we need to free it or not
if (s != NULL)
no, . and ->
those are used to access structure members
-> is used when you have a *pointer* to structure
we need to free it if it's non-NULL?
well, usually is it more complicated:
yeah, that's why I made that note at the very beginning ;)
sicelo: so, any specific questions you want to ask?
sorry, got disconnected for a moment
let me re read
I think I still understand so far,
when is -> used
sorry, I mean .
so, it is not clear to you when '.' and when '->' are used?
see this:
struct struct1 {int a;};
struct struct1 s1;
struct struct1 *ps1;
s1.a = 5;
ps1->a = 8;
(*ps1).a = 9;
so, when you have a struct variable, you use '.' to access its members
when you have a *pointer* to struct variable you use -> to access it members
makes perfect sense
or, you can *de-reference* that pointer and use '.' to access its members
the last 3 lines ^^^ all do the same - assign a value (5,8,9) to 'a' member of 's1' variable, which is of type 'struct struct1'
sicelo: do you see anything wrong with my code ^^^
nowhere do you set ps1 to the address of s1, I think
* freemangordon
how would you write that?
struct struct1 *ps1 = &s1;
2 more things and I think we are ready:
in the ^^^ example ps1 was 'uninitialized pointer', pointing to some random address of the memory, so noone knows what happens when you de-reference it
the same case at with pa = (int *)3
uninitialized pointers are very bad, so you should be extremely careful, they are one of the reasons why people don;t like C
but, what is even worse, are the so-called 'dangling pointers'
char *s = malloc(128);
s[10] = 'a';
s[12] = 'b';
after 'free(s);' line, s becomes 'dangling', and de-referencing it again leads to memory access of a memory that does not belong to us, but, the ugly thing is that memory *might* still contain valid data
'dangling pointer' bugs are usually very hard to catch
must first set it to NULL?
will not help
just manually keep track of what you're doing?
basicly :)
my point was - one should be very careful when using pointers
i need to play with this some more
let it settle, please ask if anything is still unclear
what was the second thing? <<< freemangordon> 2 more things and I think we are ready:>> ... or it's uninitialized pointers, and dangling pointers?
those 2 types for 'bad' pointers
yes please take over maintainership
@ dorian
(if you want)
i can take it ... i think pere said he can't
anyway i guess who maintainer is doesn't matter too much ... MRs will be merged as and when they become available
C is good if you have unlimited time for a project
but in the real world... :D
isn't it on par with C++ though?
or what would make C++ dev faster?
heh. C got a lot of rope to hang oneself in, and C++ got all of that in addition a lot of guns to shoot yourself in the foot with. :)
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sicelo: I would say the same about c++ tbh ^^
the reason everyone uses Electron is time-to-market
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note, I like both C and C++, and regularly program in both. :)
my point was that both C and C++ take more effort, which is a useless statement to make because everyone knows already :D
dsc_: well, if TTM is the only thing one cares about, then in wrong hands c/++ might take more time
but, if you want to make your customer happy with what you do, then there are other things to consider
also, c/++ is programming language, and what really matters are libraries
so, I don;t think TTM for a Qt project is much (if at all) longer than any other language
dsc_: on a abook side: did you see what I pasted ^^^
yes thank you :)
does it work?
did not try
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about TTM, i am passionate about making GUI development more accessible/faster for programmers, I do think Qt is quite slow overall in terms of productivity compared to e.g web technology
so I integrated Qt into a game engine and provide some high level API
OTOH, what I do for living is mostly backend development, and there are things we developed 20 years ago that are still in production, running 24/7
so it really depends on what relations with the customer you have
if it is about 'grab the money and run', then yeah, TTM is the most important
if you want to establish long-term relations, not so
not to say that it still matters if you require 16 CPUS/64GB RAM vs 2 CPUS/4 GB RAM, with the qt implementation running 10 times faster than the same thing running tomcat/java etc
hmm yeah so generally speaking I disagree with you, but the context also matters. For Maemo it is good to make use of robust software, or however you want to classify it
but for a commercial company, its best to focus on productivity, TTM, that kind of thing
else you just get ran over by a competitor
who uses Electron :D
no, it is not that simple
trust me, we basically run out of competitors here for the last 20 years, while using c/++ as main language
no, really
programming language is just a techology
usually, for big commercial project, 1 or 2 moths mean nothing
but again, the context matters. Your sector absolutely requires robust/stable software. Not software made by college students on adderall, which is what sillicon valley runs on.
and I agree that there is no "one size to fit them all"
yeah, we must read that couple of times :)
this removal is another thing I wanted to bring up, because I dont think I get signals when the remote does that
but not now
I think you shall get some 'remote-rejected' state
ok, there is something wrong with the sever, I was seeing presence before requesting authorization
I delete stevejobs (maemo) from my friendlist and the only thing that seems to change is online->offline, it will still say X-TELEPATHY-SUBSCRIBED:yes\r\nX-TELEPATHY-PUBLISHED:yes
well ok, this is from perspective of local
but still, I expect a signal
you have contact-changed signal, no?
or rather - contacts-changed
yes, this fires because status change (online->offline)
yes, that's the local state, no?
so I see no issue
on a side note - I am really glad abook/eds plugin handle all this properly
this code was never tested outside fremantle
yes :) it works well
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sicelo: icon for OTP? :D
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still on the way 🤭
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Wizzup: maybe give me access to dorian repo already
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btw guys, work really caught up with me, which I haven't been too active
I'm getting back into the all of this soon
Wizzup: website :)
sicelo: you should have access now
dsc_: ok, after this mtg I will do it :)
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im finished but needs some testing
will continue tomorrow
dsc_: on the website or something else?
on Tp stuff
website is OK
Wizzup: btw addition in github repo also automatically grants on Jenkins side?
seems not. Please also add me Jenkins side when you find a chance.
is it a new repo or ?
sicelo: look like I will have to dig out my n900 tomorrow to test the new dorian. :)
sicelo: do you use dorian yourself to read books?
i used to read them a lot on fremantle. nowadays no, not really. and the search function i had never used even under Fremantle
i still have dorian installed on leste for whenever i get an epub to read, hence i fixed the volume key based page navigation about a week ago since i was so used to that from fremantle days
arno11: no, old repo, and i've just taken up maintainership.
dorian e-book reader, in case you do use it :-)
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