dsc_: you can create roster by using account
also, most-probably need osso_abook_aggregator_get_default()
but, please, explain what you want to achieve, that I will just give you the code
yes, nice
I would like a list of contacts with their properties so I can see if there are pending presence subscription requests
I would also like to subscribe to signals related to presence subscription/publication requests
I also need functions for accept/deny/block/remove presence subscription requests
incoming presence subscription request = remote party wants to see our status (known as 'add buddy')
it is commonly answered with a 'publication request' where we give the counter party access to our own presence
And... also sending such presence subscription requests on our own, to arbitrary contact addresses
dsc_: so, you need a list of all roster contacts, right?
i.e. contacts that come from telepathy accounts
for that all you need is osso_abook_aggregator_list_roster_contacts()
this returns a list of OssoABookContact *
doing osso_abook_aggregator_list_roster_contacts(NULL) is ok, it will use default aggregator that uses system addressbook (EBook) and ba sically that's what we want
ok, lemme write some code
is there a reference somewhere in contact to the account?
that mmsd, with some love, could probably work with our ofono
and yes, sounds like kop316 would merge an ofono patch, if someone submitted it and was committed to maintaining it
if you know a little bit of C, maybe I could also help/guide where I can
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kiva: what Leste phone are you using BTW?
I have to first learn how to make Hello World in Linux..I have made little C code in DOS years ago. I use Pinephone Keyboard.
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So I am not the best guy to be maintainer for it.
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I've contributed code to a couple of C projects, and to this day still don't know when to use &, *, ->, or . when pointers and structs are involved. :-D
so I think you actually can maintain it perfectly well. copy-paste, and the compiler will help you by throwing errors :-p
sicelo: come on
ping me when you have 5 minutes (not now) and I'll explain that to you once and for all
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In time to time have tried compile something old code (just using make) and compiler always throwing so many errors that I gave up...but I try now first relearn C in Linux enviroment then I remember contact you...actually I am not bad coder, I have even helped pro coders to think how to solve problems optimal way, but unix and C is not my cub of
freemangordon: I'll take you up on that offer
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