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Hi guys, yesterda I read the maemo leste blog and and I am very happy to see that sicelo posted a librem5 picture running maemo leste! Is that somewhat working maemo leste image?
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avgjoe: you have librem5 too?
we're not at the stage of building images yet, but I think in a couple of weeks we could get there (just have some pressing matters for next 2-3 weeks then I should have more time)
no that was only mine I sent, but my brother has one
sicelo: but it is somewhat working?
I am just curious how it is working overall..m
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I cannibalized the pinephone image. it's working. Just need to fix it properly so we get proper images
for modem we will need new ofono. I've tested it and it works really well ... sms, calls, ussd
Cool, cool, cool!
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uvos: any tips/docs to try sdcard 100mhz hack on n900 ? :P
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