i mean thats maybe not a huge suprise given that this was written while qt was a nokia project
but yeah, things to explore
uvos__: did you ever release mce 1.10.10 ?
Wizzup: no idea
did i?
I don't think so
but you did bump the changelog
maybe the build failed for some reason
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well, the ci is operational again, so you can retry :)
freemangordon: telepathy-haze maemo/chimaera and maemo/chimaera-devel don't have the same history, can you check and fix? I think we can just replace maemo/chimaera with -devel, but there's a patch you may or may not want to include
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we're thinking of applying to https://nlnet.nl/mobifree/ - any things that would make sense to propose?
we're looking at making a working qt mobile version of organicmaps (they have a desktop qt version)
probably also put the debian migration in there
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sicelo: which devices did you recommend we try out because it was working decently with pmos?
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as of last few weeks, Pixel 3a seems to be the new star of the mainline world, it seems. also has camera working, very well for that matter. otherwise, OnePlus 6/6T (or some other SDM845) are also not far behind. going back some years, most of the stuff with MSM8916 too, e.g. Samsung A3/A5 (2015)
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sicelo: do they have calls working?
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arno11: sorry i had to figure hhat out myself.
_Gary: someone said d3 doesnt reboot for hours in emergency shell. so i fuess one of the services make it reboot.
wrong guess I'd say
i'll try one day to just load wmaker and see dow long will it last. i need to edit sd card on pc and disable hildon.
you could try to disable the gpu module
oh. how is it called?
Wizzup: yes @ calls. some even have the eSIM working
of course largely tested with modemmanager, but i think new ofono should support them perfectly fine as well
interesting, that f and g are close to each other both on qwerty and dvorak. but on dvorak those are in the higher row.
sicelo: ok, cool
inky: something with powervr or sgx I am sure
great, i'll try to find d3 and test.
inky: yeah I tried to do a shutdown and after 30 minutes gave up and pulled the battery
if you can get wmaker or matchbox to load on sd that would be great...
guys, the instability problem is not a service of some kind, it's related to voltage/frequency very likely
so whether you use window maker or something else doesn't matter
okay got it...inky if there is anything d3 related to test I'm in...
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Wizzup: ok, will have a look
freemangordon: also see msg regarding next debian
11:43 < Wizzup> freemangordon: uvos__: others: when should we start working on bookworm?
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freemangordon: also is connui-common ready for stable?
uvos__: nvm looks like 1.10.10 did make it, I must be blind
mce 1.10.10+m7 (> 1.10.8+m7.1 )
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Wizzup: btw i spent a bit of time @vcm sip calls. i got great results for incoming calls, tweaking latency and buffer in farstream. but still got nothing for outgoing (no connection at all)
sounds like it still fails to find a common codec
weird as it works @incoming. PA seems not involved btw
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arno11: that is weird yeah
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