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<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> inky: wait, omap does not imply mapphone
<Wizzup> The Droid had been publicized under the codenames Sholes and Tao[4][5]
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<inky> oh.
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<antranigv> any thoughts on how to get this N900 to boot properly?
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<sicelo> sounds like the kernel doesn't start
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<sicelo> maybe burn new SD?
<arno11> antranigv: what is the context btw ? fresh install or problem after upgrade ?
<antranigv> arno11 it's been working fine for a week
<antranigv> then it shutdown
<antranigv> now when it boot from SD Card I get "starting kernel ..."
<antranigv> and then it's just stuck, then it shuts off
<arno11> ok, weird
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<antranigv> This happened again last time, I did end up what sicelo suggested and burned a new SD card
<antranigv> but like... how many times, eh? :D
<antranigv> I want a stable system so I can daily drive :D
<arno11> that's not normal, i mean it is really stable atm
<arno11> so something is wrong
<antranigv> bad SD card? I'll try another one
<sicelo> after burning anew, problem persisted?
<antranigv> yes. I found another SD card. will try with that
<arno11> ok, don't forget to expand sdcard on first boot (and don't connect to network), reboot then dist-upgrade to devel and reboot
<antranigv> yes I keep forgetting to not connect to network
<antranigv> why is that?
<antranigv> oh it ends up filling in the background or something?
<sicelo> checking for updates at boot can slow down your system.
<sicelo> hence the don't connect to network suggestion
<antranigv> I see
<antranigv> one more thing
<antranigv> I have SD HC Class 10 A1
<antranigv> is that good enough?
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<antranigv> nah
<antranigv> SDXC U3 microSD card is a must. Class10 U1 cards are usually too slow to run Leste on N900 unfortunately
<arno11> yes indeed, but just because of the build quality
<arno11> with last perfs improvement on n900, pretty sure it works fine now with U1
<antranigv> That is sooo interesting
<antranigv> it nooted
<antranigv> booted*
<antranigv> the same SD card
<antranigv> I just reflashed
<antranigv> WHY? HOW?
<antranigv> anyway. let's see what we can do today.
<antranigv> I wonder if the FS was just corrupted? I mean ext sucks anyway
<antranigv> maybe I just needed to fsck on my laptop
<antranigv> and put it back in
<arno11> oh, something similar happened to me few months ago but i really don't remember what was the root cause :)
<antranigv> non proper shutdown?
<arno11> don't remember for shutdown, but no reboot for sure.
<antranigv> yeeeey. looks like all good. Hildon still freezing, but meh first boot :D
<arno11> yes that's quite unresponsive for 2-3 min but should be fine after extanding sd, reboot and devel upgrade
<arno11> bbl
<antranigv> Take your time dear
<antranigv> took it 15 to boot lol
<antranigv> still doing resize
<antranigv> done
<antranigv> ugh power button is not working for some reason
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<sicelo> resize should be quick (even on N900). you can also just do it on a pc (via gparted for example)
<arno11> power button ? maybe the menu is just slow to appear (without updates), or ?
<arno11> indeed 15 min to resize sounds not normal
<arno11> Wizzup: btw did you see my msg @ucm ?
<antranigv> aaaa why is it stuck again? :(
<sicelo> updating?
<arno11> antranigv: maybe you should check last kernel/boot logs from your sd card (in your laptop).
<arno11> btw is it stuck just after the first reboot ? (i'd like to test a fresh install but no sd card around...)
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<Wizzup> arno11: yes I did, will try to get to it today
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<antranigv> it was fsck issue indeed. f*cking ext
<antranigv> now it's doing dist-upgrade
<arno11> Wizzup: ok ty
<arno11> antranigv: ok
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