Wizzup: best to test each operating point separately by disabling other c-states via sysfs
Wizzup: usually the issue is is voltage related or emif configuration related
uvos: interesting so what did you figure out on mainline sgx underperforming?
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tmlind: ok, I will see if I can figure out where to change the c-states in sysfs if it's not just setting the cpu scaling frequency
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arno11: I'll do the PR momentarily
ok cool, thx
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tmlind: uvos: so it looks to me like qminet creates /dev/qcqmi{0,1,2,3} on android and the dir we linked earlier on gitlab really is the only thing necessary for it
I wonder if qmicli can somehow just operate on these itnerfaces
well that and the four qmi{0,1,2,3} network interfaces I guess
this also mentions maybe what uvos was talking about
Note: Some Android devices also support QMI-capable chipsets through GobiNet (everything hidden in the kernel and the RIL). In this case, though, you may see that shared memory can also be used to talk to the QMI device, instead of a /dev/qcqmi port.
but I don't think this is the case here
(famous last words)
in general this seems like useful info btw
for me at least
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sicelo: Wizzup: if i pkill cm_pulse there is no negative impact, it restarts automatically and calls are working again...with a positive effect: (alerting) tone is working (again) now
h-s-m, sometimes nokia-modem and now cmt_pulse. i wonder what's going on during boot
ok issue solved for h-s-m
renaming 15hildon-status-menu to 75hildon-status-menu (just after sphone in fact) makes h-s-m and availability BTN working correctly again
freemangordon: ^^^
i'll try to start cmt_pulse a bit later now
issue solved for cmt_pulse as well
Wizzup: i need to make a small change to cmt_pulse PR
go for it
could the very slow startup be related to 1 or several apps starting at the wrong time iyo ?
I don't know if the startup is very slow
does fremantle start much faster?
yes a lot faster
and an old leste img starts really faster too
(PR updated btw)
BTW for hildon-status-menu, is D4 affected or everything is ok with availibility BTN ?
it works for me
I don't know what problems you see specifically, but it works ok for me
sorry for the lack of context: since december, availibility BTN in h-s-m was not working anymore on startup
from a fresh install on n900
and starting it a bit later solved the issue
not sure what it would need then
so (for n900) we need to modify h-s-m debian/rules or simply rename h-s-m xsession file in Xsession.post
maybe we can modify debian/rules if there is no impact on other devices (dh_installxsession -u 'post 75' instead of dh_installxsession -u 'post 15')
ok, but you say this makes a difference i wonder why
like, what is making it bgreak
the fact that it starts before hildon-home, hildon-desktop and conversations imo
well conversations definitely has nothing to do with this
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correction, libqmi likely won't be able to talk to what I mentioned above, so it would indeed need to be integrated into qmi_wwan as non-usb backend
but that might be quite doable
arno11: I am against changing h-s-m start time unless we know why changing it make s a difference
also, there is no issue on d4
or in VM in that regard
but remember i'm not a dev :P
I want to finish as much as I can with what I am doing currently (connui-cellular)
and then will see what's going on with n900/h-s-m
might take a week or so until I am on it
ok (anyway i found a workaround for me and i'm happy with that)
however, this needs modem to be connected to the net
but we need if modem supports edge at all
* freemangordon
Features = sms net rat gprs ussd sim
Wizzup: ^^^
this is what modem reports
oh, this is same as interfaces
I think you just use the current radio tech?
NetworkRegistration.Techology or whatever
seems I will have to
Wizzup: oh, see org.ofono.NetworkOperator
not all of these are present for all devices btw
this might well be, jfyi
this is where we have Technologies
yeah, right
ok, I think I have an idea how to continue
important work
I already (almost) implemented multi-modem support
and get rid of libgofono
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Wizzup: I've seen 3.5G on my N900 with Leste :-)
sicelo: ok, maybe not 2.5G then
(that would match the codes comments)
yes i can confirm too, 3.5G icon works
not 2.5G
but 2.5g network works for sure (even if it shows 2G icon)
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21:09 < freemangordon> but we need if modem supports edge at all <<== org.ofono.RadioSettings.AvailableTechnologies. unfortunately it's optional, and most of our modems don't have it. there's no other way to know if a modem supports a particular tech
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actually scratch that ... we do have Available Techs
it's just there's nothing for EDGE :-)
N900 doesn't have it, mmm
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i think something's up with ofono/drivers/isimodem/radio-settings.c ... i can look at it someday
sicelo: yeah, I saw that ionterface
this is on the USB modem I use to develop in the VM
nothing about edge :)
yes, nor 3.5G
because you can't select 2.5 or 3.5
but again, this seems to be the network cell property
not modem one
maybe all modems are assumed to support it
and it depends on the tower etc
will see when I have more advanced code
a cell/tower that supports 3.5 or 2.5 is also willing to use plain 2 or 3. so the negotiation for .5 is solely between modem & network. i never seen a phone where you can choose those modes
* sicelo
looking forward to the upcoming code :-)
so isimodem driver doesn't have query_available_rats. damn
hmm, it should have
as on fremantle you can get network_supported_services
i guess work on the ofono driver stalled before that could be done. we do have missing bits for the modem
get_radio_access_technology is the dbus call
we're just lucky that a lot was already added
fmg, yes but thay requires the driver to support it.
oh, sorry
it is Phone.Net.get_registration_status
anyway, I think I will manage to do that properly
at least, even though AvailableTechnologies doesn't exist, you can still set "gsm" or "umts" on N900 as you need to. overall not a big deal
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