_florent_ changed the topic of #litex to: LiteX FPGA SoC builder and Cores / Github : https://github.com/enjoy-digital, https://github.com/litex-hub / Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/litex
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<LinuxDummy> Bit of a linux/python dummy, looking for advice. Try to install Litex. "Minimal" install works, "Full" throws all kinds of errors near the end of the installation. Trying to get this running so I can try the OSS CAD suite for fpga development.
<LinuxDummy> Let me grab relevant data from the error.
<LinuxDummy> × Getting requirements to build editable did not run successfully.
<LinuxDummy> │ exit code: 1
<LinuxDummy> ╰─> [16 lines of output]
<LinuxDummy> !!
<LinuxDummy> Please consider removing the following classifiers in favor of a SPDX license expression:
<LinuxDummy> ********************************************************************************
<LinuxDummy> License :: OSI Approved :: Eclipse Public License 1.0 (EPL-1.0)
<LinuxDummy> ********************************************************************************
<LinuxDummy> !!
<tpb> Title: Writing your pyproject.toml - Python Packaging User GuideMenuExpandLight mode (at packaging.python.org)
<LinuxDummy> self._finalize_license_expression()
<LinuxDummy> running egg_info
<LinuxDummy> creating pythondata_cpu_lm32.egg-info
<LinuxDummy> error: could not create 'pythondata_cpu_lm32.egg-info': Permission denied
<LinuxDummy> [end of output]
<LinuxDummy> note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.
<LinuxDummy> any advice would be most appreciated.
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