_florent_ changed the topic of #litex to: LiteX FPGA SoC builder and Cores / Github : https://github.com/enjoy-digital, https://github.com/litex-hub / Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/litex
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<yifei> I have a board using the same FPGA core (ZYNQ 7020) as digilent_zybo_z7, how much work would be required to get litex running on it? My goal is to run rocketchip cores on it.
<yifei> How can I edit a wiki page on GitHub?
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<trabucayre> yifei: not sure rocket will fit on on 7020. has your board is equiped with RAM on PL side?
<trabucayre> sorry: you needs RAM only to use linux
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<yifei> trabucayre: no, the ram is only on the PS side unfortunately, does that mean I cannot run Linux?
<yifei> Is there any possibility to passthrough ram from PS to PL?
<tnt> Sort of ... not pass through, but you can access it through the HP ports. But it's not something that exists in litex, so you'll have to write all support for that.
<tnt> Also expect it to be fairly slow because of the latency involved.
<yifei> tnt: Thanks! I can see some people got riscv core running Linux on the zedboard using the HP ports, the same thing can probably be done for my board, but I'm not sure if rocketchip is an option...
<trabucayre> yifei: tnt yes a PR/issue are open to this topic
<yifei> trabucayre: could you give me a pointer to that issue/PR?
<trabucayre> search "zybo"
<trabucayre> on litex and litex-boards
<yifei> thanks, I was searching in the wrong repo.
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<icmaker> hello, linux boot stop after [ 10.122516] Waiting for root device /dev/mmcblk0p2...
<icmaker> I store rootfs on sdcard
<icmaker> rootfs is in the secode ext4 part
<ysionneau> I guess you have "rootwait" in cmdline ?
<ysionneau> no error message? can you paste (on *pastebin* website) the entire boot message log?
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<cr1901> _florent_: Could litepcie and litesata used together in principle replace a chip like the JMB582?
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