indy: rcn-ee_ wiz bus@f0000:phy@f000000: probe with driver wiz failed with error -12 - looks more like - from sv, The error is returned from a call to of_platform_device_create() that returns NULL. The serdes nodes within the serdes_wiz node in the device-tree might have been disabled. In k3-j722s-main.dtsi, both serdes0 and serdes1 are disabled and they are enabled in the board file k3-j722s-evm.dts. It looks like they
might not have been enabled in the board file for beagley-ai.
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NishanthMenon: got distracted with another bug, then just went to bed... Network broken on beagley-ai on mainline! ;)
rcn-ee_: thanks for verifying that
feels stupid, it was a mis-merged enable epwm2 commit that removed the okay from cpsw.... @indy i'm rebuilding all (v6.14.x -> v6.6.x) they'll all include your config changes..
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rcn-ee_, +1 :)
i'll check it during weekend
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