NishanthMenon changed the topic of #linux-ti to: Linux development for TI SoCs | Logs:| paste logs in | Let it rock! Vendor SDK/kernel: Also see
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<pivi> is SD card working fine on am62 with 6.14-rc5 ? MMC is working fine, an SDIO wi-fi is working fine, SD card is not detected ... (mmc1: SDHCI controller on fa00000.mmc)
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<NishanthMenon> not exactly rc5.. but close
<NishanthMenon> aah wait , that board has no sdcard :(
<pivi> NishanthMenon: right now I am not going to be able to test it, we are still chasing a regression in U-Boot on verdin-am62 that has higher prio. We'll see in a few days
<pivi> NishanthMenon: thanks for checking
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