NishanthMenon changed the topic of #linux-ti to: Linux development for TI SoCs | Logs:| paste logs in | Let it rock! Vendor SDK/kernel: Also see
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<NishanthMenon> for folks interested in getting pcie enabled on j721e
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<NishanthMenon> just a headsup - i messed up for sometime in testing dtbs_check on overlays. is an immediate correction done, so hopefully for the next window, we should see a bunch of fixes
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<NishanthMenon> jluthra: on your comment on what does it take to get img drivers to work overall.. -> it is not ready overall - mesa stuff is still in works.. the default mesa version in poky does'nt have support and newer version of mesa is being debated upon in upstream - no conclusions on clang that i could see.. but i suspect strongly that debian sid is probably behind.. in addition zink
<NishanthMenon> stuff is probably popped in elsewhere and not yet merged.. but anyways.. darren managed to get something up with img-generic-arm64-weston.yml - but anyways..