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NishanthMenon: (hello, BTW :-)
pivi: thanks for the headsup. Let me check with a couple of people
NishanthMenon: if I remember well this is a topic you care about, so maybe you can advocate a little bit about it
Yep. This is very unlike the team I know. Will keep you posted.
Might be just a bug. I am not yet sure
India teams are on vacation for Holi. So response might be a bit delayed.
Initial response is they had to add high capacity channels for 11.x might need update of resource table. Still checking.
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pivi, On AM62P, to consume latest TIFS/DM firmware, an RM boardcfg update is needed (v11.00.xx onwards)
I missed mentioning this dependency in the firmware commit message.
Will take care of not missing this kind of dependency information in future
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vishalm: NishanthMenon: thank you both, I'll have a look and let you know
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