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<qschulz> has anyone been able to interact with a SPI controller on RK35xx in U-Boot?
<qschulz> or rather, a device on one of the SPI bus (NOT SFC)
<qschulz> trying to add some support for the PMIC, but all the register reads ever return is 0
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<beeble> qschulz: do not forget that pmic spi is this mosi/miso shorted version
<beeble> qschulz: so you should not drive MOSI while doing a read
<qschulz> beeble: AFAICT nothing specific is done in the Linux kernel wrt that?
<qschulz> beeble: I also ported the driver from downstream U-Boot to upstream U-Boot to no avail
<qschulz> and couldn't see any obvious Rockchip-only change in the spi framework callbacks
<beeble> qschulz: you try to use sspi for now or are you already in c code?
<qschulz> beeble: briefly tried sspi with the same results
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<beeble> qschulz: it is definitly an issue with driving the output while reading
<beeble> reduce the drive strength of the gpio0_a6 and you will start receiving stuff
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<beeble> qschulz: at least partially. reducing it 2.5mA is not enough to have a nice signal. but it gets better as with the 5mA
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<qschulz> beeble: dang... you're right.... but.... why does it work in Linux then?
<qschulz> or does it even work in Linux
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<beeble> qschulz: that is what i'm looking at right now. writes will work, but reads i'm trying to figure out
<qschulz> got the proper value returned for a read in upstream U-Boot with weak drive-strength
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<Kwiboo> macromorgan: I did a new atags dump on rk3588 boards and now have values for 4/8/16/32 GB at
<Kwiboo> can see that for 4/8/16 GB an "extra" range is reported at the end, for the space use by hw regs, this extra range is something that mainline u-boot ignores
<macromorgan> so long story short, does that mean we need to hard code a memory hole for >16GB, or do we need to find a way to derive it from the atags?
<macromorgan> also I have a 12GB device here that I need to dump, but I think the tags are very similar to an 8GB (but with 3 banks)
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<Kwiboo> I think we can safely add the hard coded gaps as added in on all rk3588 boards, they are needed on all boards with 16 GB or more memory
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<Kwiboo> we could also reclaim the "missing" 256MB on all 4-16 GB board (rk3588) and all 4 GB boards on rk356x
<Kwiboo> did a dump on one of my rk3566 boards with 4GB and that reported same as 4GB on rk3588
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<Kwiboo> 8gb on rk3566 seem to only report a single bank of all 8gb, not makeing a hole for hw regs:
<qschulz> the question is, can you write to anywhere in the DDR without triggering a fault?
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<macromorgan> that 12GB board giving me an error now without a memory hole... hmm...
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