mmind00 changed the topic of #linux-rockchip to: Rockchip development discussion | public log at
<dTal> Okay, so I don't get that error with the vanilla KConfig. So it must be related to one of the only two changes I made - the tick rate, and the preemption mode.
<dTal> Well, it's not the tick rate.
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<dTal> jeeze, 2287 changed files from upstream
<dTal> I guess they backported a bunch of stuff but didn't bump the kernel version?
<CounterPillow> Doubtful
<CounterPillow> "Porting" a vendor bsp kernel to a newer base is not something a single human can do
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<CounterPillow> In a case like this, you are very much stuck with the code dump the vendor of your board gave you, since they didn't bother mainlining it. If you have access to a lot of qualified people's time, you can have SoC support brought up one driver at a time in mainline Linux.
<dTal> 2287 changed files though, in core files.
<dTal> That doesn't sound like a minimal hack job to support a board. Why do they need to change things like "oom_kill.c"?
<CounterPillow> probably because it's an Android kernel
<dTal> Oh. So the "real" upstream is something else, unmarked.
<dTal> Well, brilliant.
<dTal> I don't want much. Just the RT_PREEMPT patchset.
<dTal> Actually I just want CONFIG_PREEMPT=y to build.
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