still haven't approved the battery driver :-(
that thing's been pending since at least 5.16
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diederik: no, it'll be the next 5.19 rc cycle likely
it's a bug that needs to be fixed before 5.19 release
otherwise shit will be broken
they promised they will fix it before 5.19 so if they mess this up and release a 5.19 without this patch I will go goblin mode
macromorgan: I'll give it another test soon-ish and do a tested-by, I also really want to see it included
thank you
CounterPillow: thanks for clarifying :)
just got confirmation that it will be in the next 5.19 fixes PR from the arm side of things to Linus
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CounterPillow: I think it took so long because when I did the audio driver I got flak for not converting the rk808.txt docs to yaml, and that took a while to get approved (because of some wrong devicetrees which also needed to be fixed). All prerequisites are now upstreamed though.
I honestly don't think I've had anyone review the actual battery driver code itself yet to make sure it conforms to mainline standards
your codec work needing like 11 tries to get in inspired me to become a kernel developer myself and start porting the i2s/tdm audio driver, so it's not all bad :D