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Better yet anyone know if I can obtain the android 9 sdk for an PX5 EVB (RK3368) with LCD support?
I've been digging around radxa wiki and forums but I'm not native to Chinese so forums haven't been extremely helpful.
and I guess to access the 'official' sdk/repo you have to have a key added to their repo first which I'm assuming requires NDA in place and such.
they seem to utilize the sdk but it's for a rk3399 but still has configs for rk3368, anyone know if utilizing the rk3399 sdk to build against rk3368 would work?
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pnill: google chrome's auto translate is useful enough.
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hanetzer: It was more of a joke.
but also while google translate is great, it's not easy to find content if it was written in Chinese when you're searching
I've been there, t. hisilicon sufferer.
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Yeah, still no luck in finding a decent SDK for the PX5 EVB (RK3368) unfortunately, was attempting the rk3399 sdk building against rk3368 but was running out of ram during building AOSP
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