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<montjoie> hello, does it exists a full datasheet of rockchip rk3328 ?
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<wens> probably under NDA?
<macc24> wens: haha nope
<macc24> literally 5 clicks away from search results when googling "rk3328 datasheet"
<macc24> i counted.
<phh> (very first result on ecosia thus bing)
<macc24> phh: i think by "full datasheet" they meant trm
<macc24> technical reference manual\
<phh> right
<macc24> it's in deepest corner of internet - behind more than 1 click after searching
<phh> fwiw, all the chips I know call datasheet the specs + electric specs, and call TRM the register specs
<phh> I know I'm also culprit sometimes saying I want datasheet when I actually want TRM
* macc24 blames intel datasheets
<macc24> they have register definitions too
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<wens> macc24: that's likely not the whole thing :p
<macc24> wens: do you expect to find silicon diagrams in datasheets?
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<montjoie> wens: macc24: I found the TRM, but unfortunatly no crypto register layout
<montjoie> anyway irq number and addresses permit to start crypto working
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<macc24> macromorgan: you remember that issue in supertuxkart whre under cpu usage the music weirdly slowed down?
<macc24> err, gpu usage
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<macc24> macromorgan: you remember that issue in supertuxkart whre depending on gpu usage the music would weirdly slow down?
<macromorgan> vaguely, did you find the root cause?
<macc24> i remember it being fixed
<macc24> i forgot how
<macc24> you remember?
<macromorgan> nope, sorry
<macc24> :|
<macromorgan> could it be a clock issue?
<macc24> i have no idea
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<macromorgan> so I think I'm at a loss at this battery driver. No matter what I do I can't seem to get it right. If the device has a partial charge and is plugged in it overestimates the capacity of the battery
<macromorgan> basically... I should have 20% when it says I have 50%
<macromorgan> I wonder if we can just take the factory driver, modify it a bit, and push that upstream?
<macc24> macromorgan: yea cause the voltage jumps up when charging and the driver thinks it means higher capacity?
<macromorgan> correct
<macromorgan> and while there's an ocv voltage it don't mean shit it seems...
<macc24> why then not rely solely on coulomb counter or whatever?
<macromorgan> because you need to init it when the system boots with what you guess the capacity is
<macromorgan> and I can't seem to accurately guess that
<macc24> hmm
* macc24 shrugs
<macc24> just look at bsp battery driver, imo it's beyond repair
<macc24> it took me faster to write a new driver from scratch than it took me to get it working on mainline kernel
<macromorgan> I think the bsp driver writes the capacity to nvram periodically, I might have to just do that
<macromorgan> maybe we'll get lucky and the pine folks (having the rk817 in their new pinenote) will want to take a stab at this with someone more skilled than we?
<macc24> idk
<macc24> if you can't get capacity rating just push the driver without it lol
<macc24> better to have just voltage/current readout than to have none readout
<macromorgan> I mean, I can do that I guess?
<macc24> i can try taking a shot at tackling any capacity readout
<macromorgan> maybe I should ask someone on the PM team if they think voltage/current is better than nothing at all?
<macromorgan> since I can't even measure charge accurately currently
* macc24 points at drivers/power/supply/s3c_adc_battery.c
<macc24> that driver is in mainline tree with no capacity measurement so i guess it's fine
<macromorgan> it has charge now which is something I'm struggling to get right
<macromorgan> (charge now is basically capacity if you know the full charge and empty charge)
<macromorgan> which that driver has all 3 of
<macromorgan> capacity is just those 3 numbers and some math
<macc24> hmm
* macc24 shrugs
<macromorgan> I can't even do charge, because if I boot plugged in I can't get accurate values to do an OCV lookup to get the estimated capacity
<macromorgan> (unless the device is fully charged of course)
<macc24> lol disable charging in software and measure it that way xD
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