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mmind00: do you test if sound works?
macc24: not really ... my boardfarm doesn't have any sound-specific setup ... so in terms of multimedia the core display is the one thing I do test regularly
mmind00: i hear sound's broken on veyron... need to bisect
macc24: also, the speakers on my veyron test-device gave up their magic smoke years ago [it even smelled aweful], when some sound thingy went haywire
mmind00: what if u hook up an led into those speakers
and put that alongside screen so u can see if speakers are working
macc24: too complex ... my boardfarm is actually a separate entity, where the display for example goes to a hdmi muxer device which in turn runs to an external monitor and the serial console comes through a web-interface ... I don't physically touch / see devices when doing tests
guess i'll solder new clip onto old cables lol
i've got to build a proper programming board for stm32 bluepill...
alpernebbi: full rom image booted up \o/
it doesn't boot a kernel for me tho
what are you trying to boot that kernel with?
extlinux.conf from u-boot-menu debian package
I mean it works from U-Boot in RW_LEGACY and U-Boot in the kernel partition, but not as full rom, it just gets stuck at "Starting kernel..."
did it boot into an OS for you
i'll experiment around
did you compile in support for chromeos kernel partitions?
not into u-boot, no
uh, i think i left stove on at home
But I'm not trying to boot from chromeos kernel partitions anyway?
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It's meant to be an ordinary distro boot
I mean it does load kernel/initramfs/dtb just fine, I think I'm getting a early kernel panic
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jokes aside i'll try booting something linux on it
hmmm early kernel panic
alpernebbi: do you know if u-boot adds simplefb node into device tree?
I think there's a config for it that I did not enable
alright i'll compile u-boot for kevin myself
configs/chromebook_kevin_defconfig to be precise, I do commit whatever I need into it
alpernebbi: bootefi doesn't work too
`bootefi hello`
would be easier to debug with a servo :p
or at least with uart....
macc24: CONFIG_CMD_BOOTEFI_HELLO is not set btw
unless you set it yourself
alpernebbi: i compiled my own build
I had tried `bootefi selftest` and remember it showing only a network error
do tell if you see any good options I should have enabled
alpernebbi: fyi veyron kpart boots with no display
which veyron was it
great, thanks for testing :D
I'm assuming the display is something with u-boot and not about how I put it into the kpart :P
theoretically yes
depthcharge might be leaving display controller in weird state
with u-boot not kicking it into whatever it expects
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alpernebbi: so far i can say "i have no idea"
mmind00: ???
any ideas why u-boot can't boot anything on a rk3399 device?
macc24: also, not urgent but I'd be glad if you can test minnie.cbfs as RW_LEGACY
(I'll go sleep soon)
good night
thanks again
macc24: that would need more information ... i.e. my rk3399-puma board has an uboot 2021.10 I think ... so uboot works ;-) ... and my Gru-Kevin does use Coreboot reflashed to do only netboot - so no uboot there
mmind00: that puma board, what config does it have?