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<mps> alpernebbi: u-boot works on gru-kevin. congrats
<alpernebbi> thanks!
<mps> alpernebbi: I noticed that simple 'make rk3399_kevin_defconfig ; make' creates uboot image which I simply dd-ed to kernel partition on mmc
<alpernebbi> you mean u-boot-depthcharge.kpart ?
<mps> alpernebbi: yes
<alpernebbi> I got it automated yeah, will try to upstream that as well
<mps> alpernebbi: only issue is that the character size is small
<alpernebbi> yep
<mps> I'll try to add apritzels patches from u-boot mailing list and test
<alpernebbi> didn't mess around with configs much but there are settings for truetype fonts and what not
<mps> truetype fonts are ugly and problematic
<mps> apritzel (Andre Prz... forgot exactly) posted patches with terminus 16x32 fonts (same as in kernel) and that is lot better
<mps> on top of that i created 12x24 terminus
<mps> alpernebbi: yes. that ones patches
<mps> I tested his patches on samsung peach pi and apple m1, works fine (and I applied only first 5, rest needs some fixes)
<mps> alpernebbi: a question, will u-boot load compressed kernel or must use uncompressed
<mps> on apple m1 for now only uncompressed can be loaded with u-boot
<alpernebbi> I only tried the debian kernels which are uncompressed, and EFI GRUB
<mps> on samsung peach pi compressed is loaded fine (but it is arm32)
<mps> yesterday I 'proposed' on #u-boot to add support for arm64 to, and looks like developers also thinks that would be good to add
<mps> alpernebbi: thank you for good work. now I'm going to build new kernel and continue testing
<alpernebbi> I think you can compress the kernel, put it in a FIT image and boot from that, didn't try
<alpernebbi> but booting compressed kernels could be nice as you said
<alpernebbi> mps: can you also test things on peach-pi?
<alpernebbi> more specifically u-boot-depthcharge.kpart, and my attempt at a RW_LEGACY image in the releases section
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<mps> alpernebbi: I'm using e-boot on peach pi for about 4-5 years
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<mps> s/e-boot/u-boot/
<alpernebbi> ah ok, is mainline working fine with it at least
<mps> yes, mainline works fine
<alpernebbi> thanks for the chat, good luck testing
<mps> but didn't played with flashing it to device because I don't have hardware flasher so don't want to risk making it 'a brick'
<mps> alpernebbi: thanks
<macc24> i wonder if it's possible to make u-boot run linux kernel from a chromeos partition
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<alpernebbi> macc24: looks like the very first arm chromebooks did exactly that
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<mps> alpernebbi: tested booting with extlinux.conf on external mmc, works fine
<alpernebbi> compressed kernel?
<mps> no, uncompressed
<alpernebbi> ok
<mps> did you added uncompressing part
<mps> didn't looked in source
<alpernebbi> no, just thought you meant to test that because you had mentioned compression
<mps> aha, ok
<mps> yesterday I looked kernel_comp_addr_r and kernel_comp_size for M1 and thought to try to add this but have no idea which address to use
<mps> hm, in you fork I see this `include/configs/rk3399_common.h: "kernel_comp_addr_r=0x08000000\0"`
<mps> maybe it will work 'right now'
<alpernebbi> no idea honestly
<mps> shouldn't take much time to check
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<mps> alpernebbi: looks like it can load compressed kernel also, just tested
<alpernebbi> nice
<mps> hey, you made it very nice
<alpernebbi> thanks, mostly standing on the shoulders of giants :D
<macc24> alpernebbi: yea they did
<macc24> the code might've been dropped
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<alpernebbi> it's still up somewhere on googlesource
<macc24> hmm
<macc24> well... i want to make use of u-boot's efi capabilities so someone else will need to tinker around it
<alpernebbi> what exactly do you mean, i am using u-boot efi right now
<macc24> i mean that i want to boot linux on my kevin with u-boot's efi implementation, and make cadmium support it too
<alpernebbi> I updated my wiki btw, tried to write about grub-efi at the end
<alpernebbi> "create an EFI partition, add it to /etc/fstab, install the grub-efi-arm64 package and run sudo grub-install --no-nvram --force-extra-removable"
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<alpernebbi> not sure I haven't missed anything with that
<macc24> hmm i wonder if i can get u-boot running as rw_legacy and get cadmium/chromeos dualboot going that way
<macc24> "The SPI flash chip on gru-kevin runs on 1.8V." ????????????
<alpernebbi> at least mine does
<macc24> oh fuck i've been programming it at 3v3
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<macc24> oops
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<alpernebbi> for me U-Boot as RW_LEGACY is very slow for some reason
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<mps> alpernebbi: I did grub/efi install for alpine linux on M1 where u-boot find bootaa64.efi and then loads grub
<mps> so it should work on gru-kevin (and other rockchip boards) also
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<alpernebbi> it does, I'm using grub-efi to boot now
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