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<steev> or, i guess, it's probably an issue with the driver, since it works if i plug it into a usb-c->hdmi adapter and plug it in to my thinkpad
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<narmstrong> steev: nice finding ! Indeed but there’s no mechanism in quirks for that but would be nice to add it, please send a patch, it’s not the only display having such issue
<lvrp16> steev: I have the same screen, were you able to fix the vertical alignment?
<lvrp16> narmstrong: i've fudged with the vsync and porch but there seems to be an timing issue in DRM, maybe at least for GXL
<lvrp16> or I'm just doing something wrong somewhere XD
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<steev> lvrp16: sadly no, it's ever so slightly off as you noticed, by 3-4 pixels
<lvrp16> steev: mine is about 10 pixels. Plls just can't do it?
<steev> lvrp16: hm, it shouldn't be, although if you're connected to an rpi, i dunno there
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<steev> lvrp16: fwiw, i wrote all the stuff up that i did in the radxa forums in this thread
<lvrp16> steev: that's about as far as I got too
<steev> it's probably less apparent in mine because i'm running sway with a black background
<steev> i was also doing it moreso for someone else, my plan is to use some 8.9" 2K lcds i found on ebay with mine
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<steev> lvrp16: maybe solve it with overscan/underscan?
<steev> not entirely sure we can though, my experience with trying to pass a mode via command line ended with it just not showing up
<lvrp16> steev: i thought maybe it was the vsync timing so I tried to adjust the edid values. I have to test on some other SBCs to see if it is an Amlogic thing or the edid is just garbage.
<steev> why not both :P
<steev> lvrp16: fwiw, this is plugged in to a thinkpad x13s via an apple usb-c -> hdmi
<steev> the margins appear to be correct there
<lvrp16> Ahh yeah
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<steev> Same thing happens with their OLED 5.5” 1080x1920 display
<steev> It is quite likely a both are busted situation. I absolutely hated working with displays at genesi because so many edid would lie