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<oblikoamorale> yeah, well, it's massive amounts of time bisecting the problem to specific commit, as finding problematic kernel version may not be helpful enough. i'll see if the problem manifests itself in plain boot mode, and whether LE13's 6.10 is affected by it
<oblikoamorale> am not complaining, as usual. just fishing for possible useful pointers, that's it
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<diederik> I understand. I know that a full git-bisect is ideal but also very time consuming. But if you can narrow down the range, then it's more feasible to make educated guesses to what could have broken it
<diederik> I just think that hoping it will be fixed in a new kernel version is very unlikely to be fruitful
<diederik> If you look at the 6.6.x releases, you'll find some which are HUGE (and significantly bigger then others), like f.e. 6.6.33
<diederik> Those huge updates are most likely to have the breaking changes, so test the version before that. In this example that would thus be 6.6.32
<diederik> My theory: Those huge updates follow an upstream -rc1 version which has major changes, but from a say 10 patch big set, only 1 or 2 have a Fixes tag and only those 2 patches get picked up for 'stable' releases
<diederik> So people have (hopefully) tested the changes with 10 patches, but 'stable' only picks 2 ... which no one has tested before
<diederik> So instead of fixing problems, they may actually be introducing problems
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> It’s usually faster to do a real bisect
<diederik> You're likely right. At least then you don't need a bit of luck
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<oblikoamorale> hah, so plain usb boot of 12.0.1 hard freezes as well, after displaying installer choice lines. i swear, j6412 is not _that_ old :)
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<oblikoamorale> ...and current LE13 nightly boots fine. the only visual difference is LE13 installer opens plain 80x25 console, while LE12 inits fb console in full available resolution (console character size in 4k resolution.. hurts)
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