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<sopparus> firmware kaputt with new kernel as well :(
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> If you update the mailing-list email with that info (newer kernel, 6.6.2, same issue) by replying to yourself, please cc me into the thread so I can track it
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> chewitt@ LE domain
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> also do “dmesg | paste” and share the URL in the email
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> devs always like to see the full log not the snippet the user thinks contains all the info 🙂
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<sopparus> there was link to full dmesg
<sopparus> but it works now with latest firmware
<sopparus> ehm, not sure why
<sopparus> maybe i downloaded them wrongly
<sopparus> i bisected the firmwares
<sopparus> date by date
<sopparus> i will try use the dat files now and see what happens
<sopparus> instead of manually installing firmwares
<oblikoamorrale> does anybody have any input about the problem zsw were having yesterday? im interested, what really was (is) going on there
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> the first thing I’d do is grab a clean SD card and the latest nightly
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> the second is check cables .. an RPi4 is not going to be using the same cable as the laptop due to different connectors
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> and check it’s in the right port
<oblikoamorrale> huh, so my thought about two different ports was not ungrounded after all
<sopparus> yes it works now
<sopparus> only editing packages/linux-firmware/kernel-firmware/firmwares/any.dat
<sopparus> and kernel config
<sopparus> do I need to add for AMlogic as well? or do they use that one as well?
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> if deleting the 1080p@60 mode allows the screen to come up .. perhaps something odd with edid on the TV
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> sopparus: Amlogic uses projects/Amlogic/config/kernel-firmware.dat
<sopparus> ok ill change every .dat
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> Samsung is the only other one
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> everything else is prob. using the default one
<sopparus> if its ready for pr
<sopparus> tested and works on rpi4 (without having firmware in /storage/.config/firmware)
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> Just missing packages/linux-firmware/kernel-firmware/firmwares/x86_64.dat
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> No need to close the current PR - Just force push with whatever updates and edit the PR text in the GitHub GUI
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> maintainers don’t really care about whether the PR looks “pretty” with no mistakes
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> (as long as the content is good)
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> something that went through a dozen rebases and four changes of title generally shows that someone cared about getting it right
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> which is mostly a good sign
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<sopparus> It was autoclosed when i synchrd my branch
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> odd, never seen that
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> can you squash the two commits pls
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> know how to do that?
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> git rebase -i HEAD~2
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> change “pick” on the “missed a file” commit to “f” (fixup) then save/exit
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> and it should fixup (squash without asking) the later commit into the earlier one
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> or change to “s” (squash) and you see both commit message and decide which one to keep .. then save/exit
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> and force push with “git push -f origin master”
<sopparus> git push
<sopparus> oj
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<sopparus> nothing happend from what i can see
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> did you do the interactive rebase?
<sopparus> yes, i probably made a mistake there
<sopparus> when i do it again i see some other stuff like pick d88685e603 brcmfmac_sdio-firmware-rpi: update to 26ff205
<sopparus> pick 82d0cf3bc2 kernel_options: plymouth-lite requires CONFIG_FB_DEVICE=y
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<chewitt> right .. not in Slack now :)
<chewitt> let's put your local repo into a known state
<chewitt> git checkout master
<chewitt> git fetch origin master
<chewitt> git reset --hard origin master
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<chewitt> git rebase -i HEAD~2
<chewitt> there should now be two "pick" commits on the screen
<chewitt> change the lower one from "pick" to "fixup" then save and exit
<chewitt> git log --pretty=oneline should now show only one commit (as they've been squashed into one)
<chewitt> git commit --amend
<chewitt> now change the commit message to "linux: add MT7921 module and firmware to images"
<chewitt> save/exit again
<chewitt> git push -f origin master
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<chewitt> ^ force pushes the change to your origin repo (GitHub) .. and that updates the PR
<chewitt> all that assumes you're using git from a console somewhere
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<sopparus> ok lets see
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<sopparus> ok that may have worked :) pr looks better now?
<chewitt> yup, looks good now
<chewitt> interactive rebase is *the* trick to learn with git
<sopparus> ok thanks alot
<sopparus> ill read up on that
<chewitt> it allows you to reorder the commits, which (once they're grouped logically) allows you to combine (squash or fixup) the changes
<chewitt> the other tip to pass along is .. never work in the master branch
<chewitt> always create a topic branch
<sopparus> ok ok
<chewitt> if you work in master and then want to pull down new changes that we added, you're stuck (or at least, it's more complicated)
<chewitt> if you work in a topic branch you can update your local master to match ours, then rebase the topic branch against master
<chewitt> (we/me decided to document the most common Q's to avoid repeat writing..)
<sopparus> ok thanks, will do
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<chewitt> one change I would make to simplify the PR
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<chewitt> use wildcards in the .dat files
<chewitt> e.g. "mediatek/*MT7961*.bin" will pick all three files with one line not three
<chewitt> we do that for several other chips
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<sopparus> ok will do
<sopparus> what could possibly go wrong
<sopparus> so
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<sopparus> it seems to have worked
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<chewitt> packages/linux-firmware/kernel-firmware/firmwares/any.dat has an extra line inserted
<chewitt> apart from that one being fat-fingered, all looks good
<sopparus> ok fixed that
<chewitt> merged :)
<chewitt> thanks
<chewitt> btw, no need to push the changes to origin and then rebase
<chewitt> make any number of changes, sort them all out, then when done: force push
<sopparus> ok, thanks
<sopparus> you live and you learn
<chewitt> it's more of an etiquette thing - not something technical
<chewitt> once the PR is opened, each time you force-push everyone subscribed to the repo gets an email
<chewitt> (change notifications)
<chewitt> so if possible it's nice to minimise the email spam
<chewitt> not a deal-breaker though
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