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<sopparus> any ideas chewitt?
<sopparus> seems it segfaults
<sopparus> maybe becouse firmware is (maybe) 32-bit?
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> odd .. the USB bus shows the device connected, but then nothing until it obv. tries to load firmware and throws the splat
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> firmware doesn’t normally come in 32/64 variants so it won’t be that
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> perhaps visit the upstream linux-firmware repo and make sure you have the latest firmware for the chip
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> also perhaps leave it disconnected, boot the pi, then connect once the OS has settled
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> (not sure it would achieve anything .. but in-case timing plays a role)
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> are you using LE11 or LE12 nightly?
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> rain0r: I pinged a message to Beelink devs to ask, but they’re normally only around in Chinese working hours
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<sopparus> Chewitt, its master
<sopparus> Ill try again tomorrow
<sopparus> Not home now
<sopparus> Firmware was same as on volumio
<sopparus> I enabled the same modules i saw with lsmod there
<sopparus> I cant check kernel version now but its 6.1 something
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<Guest72> Hello everyone!
<Guest72> I have just upgraded my libre elec installation from 9 to 10
<Guest72> I am having issues booting and displaying onto a tv connected to the device.
<Guest72> I have check /flash/config.txt.old
<Guest72> I see the old configuration options as hdmi_group=1 and hdmi_mode=4.
<Guest72> The display is an old samsung tv (720p) over HDMI.
<Guest72> I ask if someone can advise on approaching this issue.
<Guest72> I have read regarding kmsprint, and using the video=? option in cmdline.txt
<Guest72> However I cannot find a mode the is now supported. The tv seems to display "Mode not supported" for various, what I would assume are working different modes.
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