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<mack> Finally got back to my NAS. Mine is named battlestar.galactica.2003.s00e01e02.the.miniseries.mkv
<mack> Part 1 and part 2 are obviously concatenated.
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<colo> mack: thanks. I can't get it to parse correctly with my established directory structure :/
<colo> is there any project/software that takes care of all this crap (massaging names and structure suitable for kodi, maybe also populating metadata) for me?
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> the easiest way is .. use a structure that parses easily
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> i’m always seeing users with some ‘personal’ scheme where they try to bend the software to their strange ways
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> the sooner you stop that and just use a structure naming that works .. it, err, just works
<colo> I have all my stuff named "<Name of the Show> (<YYYY>)\Season <n>\S<n>E<m>.ext" - surely doesn't seem too exotic?
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<diederik> I (vaguely admittedly) recall that one can use .nfo files which contain all the info you want? You could write a script to generate those?
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> open the file in vlc and trim/separate the multi-episode file into single episodes again, then scrape them normally
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