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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> Worst case you can try to “dd” with /dev/random as input and /dev/mmcblk0 as output. At some point it will hang since you trashed the bit of virtual filesystem that had dd in it, but as long as it run for a few seconds and trashes the partition tables and filesystem on the card OS should see it as a wiped/blank card and offer formatting options
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<mack> Thanks chewitt. I'm trying that out now. My first attempt was with /dev/random and the dd just seemed to not do much. ps still showed a process running, but there was no activity in top. Upon reboot, everything was the same as before. I'm now trying /dev/urandom, and the dd command is acting the same as before but top shows cpu usage by the dd process.
<mack> Just a simple `dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/mmcblk0` should do the trick, right?
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<mack> Well, the dd with urandom finally finished - it reported no more room on device and 14.9 GB copied. Restarting and seeing what happens!
<mack> It seems this SD card is just broken. The pi no longer boots, as expected, but the card is still not recognized by any other machine.
<mack> Thank you for the idea!
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<colo> mack: the "proper" tool to verify a (dead) block device is `badblocks`, btw :)
<colo> also, using `dd` with the default blocksize (512 bytes) is unnecessarily slow. if you use "bs=1M on
<colo> "bs=1M" on the dd command line, you will speed up the process _a lot_
<colo> "oflag=direct" and "status=progress" are handy options, too
<colo> (the first bypasses the page cache when writing, the other reports the attained speed)
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<mack> colo. I assumed that the dd would fail shortly after starting, forgetting that LE runs all in RAM, so I wasn't concerned with speed.
<mack> is badblocks even in a LE distribution? Mounting in another system to do any diagnostics was impossible.
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<colo> mack: it is not, I think
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> no, but you might be able to copy the binary over from Ubuntu and use it
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<k-man> is there some way i can enter my jellyfin password into kodi attached to my TV without having to use the tv remote to enteri t?
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<k-man> oh, kodi remote. i forgot about that
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