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<oblikoamorale> thanks, I'll try that. TIL that some modtest and proptest functionality overlaps
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<bragon> Hello Folks
<bragon> with Libreelec 11 impossible to get Kodi with inputstream
<bragon> I tryed many many workaround : but no chance
<bragon> I don't see the player repo inside Kodi
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<bragon> "inputstream.adaptive is an official Kodi binary add-on and therefore either already installed or available from Kodi repository under VideoPlayer InputStream category."
<bragon> But I don't see any Videoplayer inputstream category !
<oblikoamorale> I don't know details, but I think inputstream adaptive is utilized by addons, like youtube. And youtube definitely works on LE11
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> inputstream.adaptive is authored by Team Kodi, but needs to be compiled, so is in the LE repo along with all other binary add-ons
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> anything non-binary (Python only) that doesn’t need compiling will be in the upstream Kodi repo
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> if you can’t find it in the LE repo; either
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> a) there’s an eyeball failure
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> b) there’s a comms problem between you and the repo
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> for the latter case, a debug log should make the reason obvious
<bragon> I don't think there is comms problem between me and the repo
<bragon> but let me check the logs when I browse the repo
<bragon> give me 5
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> I think the repo is down 🙂
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<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> likewise we got flooded with requests again due a kodi bug and it killed the webserver 😞
<bragon> LibreELEC:~/.kodi/temp # cat kodi.log | grep '2023-02-21 11:24' > browsing-repo.log
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> repo is down so it can't work 🙂
<bragon> Ok i see
<bragon> do you need any mirror for the repo ?
<bragon> I have plaintly of web ressource for give you a mirror
<bragon> (working for a web hosting company)
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> the issue is that we get thousends of requests from single clients a minute (due kodi bug) and it creates a shitload of traffic
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> we limited it but thats creates rather high ram usage at our host that our current chepo host can't handle
<bragon> can you give me a tarball of the LibreElec repo and I do a fake repo on my side and emulate it via an /etc/hosts entry inside my libreelec setup as a workaround ?
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH>
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> btw if anyone has a idea for a proper mirroring setup, ideas are welcome 🙂 we are currently using Mirrorbits that is bascially dead
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> looking for something that does geo redirects and checks if the target has the files avaible
<bragon> I'm looking for 10.95.1 inputstream
<bragon> there is not 10.95.1 in the archive :)
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> 10.80.12 is the current repo version
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> repo version != release version pre final
<bragon> I see
<bragon> how can I plug my setup to the archive repo in CLI ?
<bragon> to finaly being able to get inputstream
<bragon> awesome I download the file from the archive in .zip and installed it manually it worked
<bragon> you made my day m8
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<bragon> CvH for your multi repo, why don't you put a haproxy in front of the mirror, so you can round/robin connexion and remove on of the mirror when you have one which is down
<oblikoamorale> I can probably guess that they don't run their own cdn, and they don't want to do so
<oblikoamorale> re: using modetest instead of proptest for changing a connector property, works fine indeed! thanks for the pointer
<bragon> they gave me an archive repo link
<bragon> and I installed all I need with ssh and scp on the sdcard with ZIP avaibility of addons installation inside kodi
<bragon> at the end it worked
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<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> addons running again
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<bragon> CvH I can confirm it's online
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