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ill check log later, if someone reply
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[slack] <chewitt> Superded .. how low-res is the video, and what codec?
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I thought that gen.11 intel cpu, HDR capable tv and LE11 is all that's needed to have HDR, yet Kodi's system info reports "Display supported HDR types: None". Do I have to jump through extra hoops?
oblikoamorale: are you using Generic or Generic-Legacy?
and is this box one that has LSPCON or native HDMI?
to be clear, I'm pretty clueless about Intel kit, so mostly asking Q's on behalf of others who might have more brains on the topic
I'm running legacy. regarding HDMI I'm not sure, but it's capable of 4K@60Hz. it has two HDMI and a single DP, i'm using HDMI to be clear
Legacy = X11 = No HDR support
You need to run 'Generic' (which is GBM based) for HDR
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noted. I'll try generic again, but b1 wasn't working properly for me (no 10 bit color output, for starters...)
the GUI is prob. rendered in an 8-bit format by default, but would switch to 10-bit or higher output when required for playback
that's how ARM images are generally working at least, so I'd expect the same
no, video was brushed out as well as gui
[slack] <CvH> is this maybe due the missing BT2020 support at generic ?
[slack] <CvH> the arm images are hevaily patched to support that, generic isn't
that would resolve wrong colourspace when in HDR mode; which can't be the case with Legacy (as no HDR)
sounds more like an issue with limited range
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the patch looks promising...
not your issue I think
hmm, I guess I can try generic again, check whether HDR support magically appears and try to resolve missing 10 bit color depth with proptest shenanigans
thank you for the pointers
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chewitt: 480p h264
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if you disable hardware decoding does that resolve things?
as a rule I would suggest that for normal playback anyway.. should be trivial for S905X3 to cpu decode
(until work on hardware decoding resumes .. don't hold breath)
chewitt: after disabling drm prime video is playing fine
random pixelation smells like buggy firmware, which is probably to be expected
at the moment h264 is using the older vdec driver which was used with gxbb/gxl/gxm boards
newer SoCs like sm1 should be using the hevc driver (not codec, driver) and the 'multi' firmwares
work was started on that, but never finished
(and finding anyone to resume that, without lots of $$, is a multi-year epic task)
chewitt: pixels on top of image
after opening an interface part of pixels is cutted and small part of image looks normally
it looks like dirty buffers
drm prime + hw + egl/direct = blinking interface/pixels
drm prive + no hw + egl = good
drm prime + no hw + direct = no image
no drm prime = good
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chewitt: need problem video?
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if you can share something I can test on other hardware generations, which might help narrow the issue
i can test issues in pure le, if there will be iso for my device and it will not damage my armbian boot, like coreelec does
my device is x96 max plus 2101w
this has all the changes needed for better playback (in LE) .. I don't patch anything else onto that source
ok, thanks, ill try it later
this is the source of RPi ffmpeg that we have been collaborating around
Armbian and LE are both using an extlinux.conf based boot arrangement
I've never tested for coexistence issues, but since the same person developed the 'mutli-boot' arrangement we're both using (with minor differences) it prob. works
LE and CE both change the (presumably vendor) u-boot environment to suit their own needs
LE and Armbian should be setting the same things
worst case you should only need to invoke recovery mode to switch between them
i.e. toothpick method
like first install, good
this forces vendor u-boot to look for bootscripts again (and load them, resetting things for the OS you want)
at least, that's generally the case
the wildcard is always that nobody knows what the box vendor fiddled with in u-boot
but generally that's just changes to suit whatever cheap-bin RAM is being used in the box, and they leave the boot stuff unchanged beyond logos
(there are exceptions to the rule of course)
tbh, I've no idea what the power button issue is, but I have subzero interest in trying to support some kind of LE/Armbian/chroot frankenbuild
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chewitt: i understand, so will test it in pure le
chewitt: not the power button, exit button in the kodi
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LE runs on the framebuffer so there is no windowing environment and thus nothing to exit to
we aren't windowed at all
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chewitt: i know, but i want to return button functionality in my config
tired of killing kodi via ssh
I'd patch Kodi to run a script that does "systemctl stop kodi" .. but that requires building a custom LE image
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Or you could clone the Estuary skin to /storage and hack that
Easiest fix is to build a usable ffmpeg and then no need to run LE in chroot to have working Kodi
(the other caveat is the state of Armbian kernels for hardware decoding, but I would assume they've raided my patchset for anything needed
(which is usually the case)
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chewitt: issue is not arbian related, reprodused in pure libreelec
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regarding HDR/FullHRB from earlier today: Generic LE11 appears to support HDR10 (TV reports HDR when playing HDR content); Full RGB mode still was not enabled (exactly as it was on beta1). Fixed with proptest, by setting Broadcast RGB property to Full instead of Automatic