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I'm trying to setup youtube addon keys, in the final steps I'm getting a key error due my project not being activaded by Google nor loggin as developer account
I don't know what more try on google cloud, is there any other working addon? All that I've tried get some error
[slack] <chewitt> it’s hard to comment .. the process is fiddly and Google changes things over time so whatever guide you find is normally ‘almost’ correct, but never exactly
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I will try again later
should I publish my google "application"?
uhm, I added myself as test user
let's try again
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Successfully updated: API Key, API Id, API Secret Personal API keys are disabled.
what doe smeans, Personal API keys are disabled?
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it works!
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what "it", plugin.video.youtube? yeah there is no pressing need to use personal api keys anymore
hmm. my memory might be failing, but in youtube addon I'm not even logged in my accounts I've previously generated api keys on, and that's two separate boxes
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if you can test again
it failed for me when I tried to search or look whats popular now
and if I tried to sign in without setup keys it failed too
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welp, apparently I'm wrong, account login and api keys are not tied together. what problems do you have following the api keys generation doc?
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it complained about the project wasn't enabled or verified by google and only developers were allowed
but then I added my mail address as user on the project
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then google warned me on the google.com/device process
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something like that the project was on developing and only continue if I know the developer
anyway maybe I didn't followed the video exactly since I have it on Spanish version and I was pretty tired when doing it
hmm. google api deprecated some of the "app" verification ways last autumn, I wonder if it relevant to your situation
anyway it's working fine now, it's great!
how come?
it worked after adding my mail address as user of my project
ah, allright
on other topic, can kodi handle pdf files? is there some addon for it?
* oblikoamorale
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oh i see, great
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