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<shibboleth> what's the current status of rpi2/3 support?
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> depends on what features you depend upon
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> apart from software optimised HEVC and 3D, LE10/LE11 images should be fine
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> if you need HEVC .. best option is an RPi4
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> plan B is to continue using LE9.2
<shibboleth> yeah, i wa sunder the impression that le10s gpu driver isn't compatible with rpi2/3?
<shibboleth> no need for hevc atm and afaik rpi2/3 doesn't have hw decoding for h265 anyway?
<macros_> As far as I understand it is. But It now uses a fully open source approach. With the proprietary driver clever hacks enabled support for 3D and HVEC, and it may take a long while or with dwindling developer interest forever till these tricks are supported with the new driver stack.
<chewitt> the DRM driver and H264 vdec are common to RPi2/3/4
<chewitt> the HEVC vdec only works with RPi4
<shibboleth> then why no le10 for rpi2/3?
<chewitt> current LE10 branch supports and next release (10.0.2) will have an RPi2/3 image
<shibboleth> wonderful
<chewitt> 3D will probably get implemented at some point .. one of the Pi devs is keen on it and has a 3D screen
<macros_> Thats great to hear!
<shibboleth> also, is 10.0.2 far off? re recent kernel, samba vulns?
<chewitt> don't hold your breath though .. the to-do list has a long list of higher priority times
<chewitt> there is no plan to redo software optimised HEVC .. if it's that important for you stay on 9.2 or get an RPi4
<chewitt> 10.0.2 is basically ready on our side but we're missing Kodi 19.4
<shibboleth> ah
<chewitt> which is slowly (very slowly) being worked on upstream
<chewitt> coming soon .. insh'allah
<chewitt> there are some nightlies kicking around the forums if people want to test
<chewitt> it's still using 5.10 kernel as Pi devs are backporting everthing to it .. in addition to 5.15 and maintaining v.latest
<chewitt> unlike ye olde codebase *everything* is going upstream
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<shibboleth> anyone know how to speed up kodi directory listings? if i mount the share and list it on cmdline it takes a few secs. with le/kodi it'll take upwards of 25 seconds- i get that kodi has to compare with myvideos-db
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<mack> shibboleth: I never noticed anything like that with my Pi2 running 8.x or Pi4 running 9.x. But I have wired ethernet and the db is not on SD card (mysql on another server).
<shibboleth> db is on class 10, uhs 1 sd, 2000+ youtube clips on a smb share
<mack> single best thing I did to improve kodi UI and item listing speed was to move the db off
<mack> yeah, fast SD didn't matter for me. It was still slower than ethernet to mysql
<shibboleth> yeah, i'mma try mysql
<mack> sqlite really isn't great when the number of records gets high
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