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<nashimus> Are the image checksums available somewhere? They don't seem to be available on any of the downloads pages.
<nashimus> Even tried navigating to the download folder to see if there is a sha256sum.txt and sig, but directory browsing seems to be disabled.
<LEBot> [slack] <cvh> which checksum do you need ?
<LEBot> [slack] <cvh> a proper handling of all those checksums is planed
<nashimus> PINE64 RockPro64 LibreELEC-RK3399.arm-10.0.1-rockpro64.img.gz
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<LEBot> [slack] <cvh> scroll down, there is a list
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<oblikoamorale> appending .sha256 to image url gives you a file with image checksum, in your case it would be
<LEBot> [slack] <cvh> oh taht function was broken for some time 🙂
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<oblikoamorale> worked fine in my x86 automated update pipeline for last couple of years ;)
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<r00tb0y> hello everybody
<r00tb0y> I'm running the nightly version on my RPI3 and after updating from 20211124 to 20211230 it's haning at the boot screen
<r00tb0y> i tried a manual update to 20211224 but no changes
<r00tb0y> any suggestions?
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<r00tb0y> it's a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2
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<nashimus> cvh: thanks!
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<Leolo_2> hello everyone
<Leolo_2> I have some questions. Well a huge pile of questions.
<Leolo_2> Firstly - hardware. Is there an advantage of Pi4B over some other hardware? Because it seems to me I could use any fanless PC (I actually have a few lying around) with a better CPU and get better performance?
<Leolo_2> currently I'm judging "better CPU" on passmark scores. so the question is about HW accel or something intrinsict to ARM
<LEBot> [slack] <cvh> What pc do you have? It mainly depends at gpu features
<Leolo_2> FitPC2, Fitlet, Shuttle DX30
<Leolo_2> but one could get for roughly the price of a Pi4B+trimmings
<Leolo_2> (passmark is a touch higher then the pi4b)
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<Leolo_2> also, the LibreELEC USB-SD Creator failed miserably on CentOS 8. Couldn't download the image. and when I downloaded by hand, I couldn't select the .img.gz. And when it randomly found it, I wouldn't write to the USB thumb drive.
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<mack> Leolo_2: easy enough to not use the Creator application. Just gunzip | dd the .img.gz
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<Leolo_2> I know. but if it doesn't work why is it distributed?
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<nashimus> silly question: why am I getting "Permission denied" when trying to mount nfs? mount -t nfs /storage/test