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<invra> hello
<invra> how can i install pihole?
<chewitt> docker container?
<invra> how can i install docker from command line tho?
<chewitt> no need, there's an add-on for it in the LE repo
<invra> i dont have access to a screen atm
<invra> id need to do it in terminal
<chewitt> with LE you're basically screwed then
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<chewitt> it's not impossible to wget the add-on, but then activating it requires JSON commands to the Kodi webserver to fiddle with the UI
<invra> i see
<chewitt> 60 second exercise if you connect to a TV
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<invra> so its jsut enabling the plugin and docker will be installed?
<invra> then i can install pihole with docker-compose?
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<chewitt> docker pull .. but yeah
<invra> allright i will try when i have access to a monitor. ty
<Ommand> lol there's docker for LE? man people are insane
<invra> Ommand:insane?
<Ommand> yes, that's what I said
<invra> why so?
<Ommand> loading up all their extra crap onto what is supposed to be a tiny appliance OS
<Ommand> like you trying to run pihole on it
<invra> maybe you also want to use it as a dns server to block ads on some services you use trought the whole network or jsut the libreelec
<invra> in that case it makes sense
<chewitt> linuxserver even have a Kodi repo with containers wrapped as LE add-ons
<chewitt> so they can be installed from the Kodi GUI .. no SSH needed
<Ommand> yes I understand what you want to do invra, no it doesn't make any sense to me
<Ommand> as I said
<Ommand> insane
<invra> thats how opensource works. there might be things somone is interested into and some not
<Ommand> you don't understand my criticism, but it's fine
<Ommand> you don't need to
<chewitt> over time there are enough odd requests that we needed to come up with 'a' solution
<Ommand> should have just ignored them all and kept LE as what it was designed
<invra> pff i cba reading. see ya guys
<chewitt> mostly it's the wrong type of user wanting to add torrent clients, and we've always refused to allow binary add-ons for that kind of thing
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<Ommand> of course docker will ultimately let them put whatever the hell they please
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<chewitt> so the requests go away, and if those users have a worse experience due to the load on their box .. we break out the world's smallest violin
<mack> People using the wrong tool for the job remind me of a video I watched that was showcasing the "custom" exhaust on a car that included things like flex ducting, aluminum couplers, and cast iron plumbing fittings.
<mack> found it. if you're curious :)
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<Ommand> when it comes to LE the goal is almost always to use 40 dollars worth of hardware to solve every single issue in their lives
<mack> and not connect it to a monitor
<Ommand> lol, naturally
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