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<By-Tor> Hey I'm running 10.0b5 on an RPi4b, and a couple days ago I started getting some strange errors. In the logs, the arrow addon is throwing errors in that it "should not be". It looks like something internal is clobbering the datetime.datetime module
<By-Tor> _MAX_TIMESTAMP = datetime.max.timestamp()
<By-Tor> is throwing an AttributeError, which it should not.
<By-Tor> somehow datetime.max is a timedelta(0) object
<By-Tor> and of course everything works fine if I run the code in the python interpreter
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<diederik> when looking at system info > hardware, I see that 1 core is always at ~35% on my rock64. Why is that? (The active core switches from time to time)
<diederik> AFAICT it's just idling, so that seems excessive (and consequently keeps the temperature high(er))
<ndufresne> diederik: try running top or perf to learn more
<diederik> top shows it's kodi.bin
<ndufresne> ok, that's what I hoped
<ndufresne> got a rule out other thing running in the background ;-D
<ndufresne> if perf is installed, I'd run that
<diederik> indeed. Should've mentioned that before
<ndufresne> and try to find some symbols that get called a lot, that would eventually pin point and make for a better bug report
<diederik> I'm not familiar with 'perf' yet. Should I run 'perf top'?
<ndufresne> I'd run "perf top -g "
<ndufresne> you can then expend the top consumer with <space>
<ndufresne> or enter, can't remember
<ndufresne> ah, it's 'e' to expand now
<ndufresne> and you can use -p <kodi pid> iirc to focus on that process
<diederik> <- output of 'perf top -g'
<ndufresne> of course, kernel overhead cause by a process is always good information, e.g. abusing some ioctl
<diederik> it's not a steady screen output as you'd see with (normal) top
<ndufresne> that was rather unexpected
<diederik> so I don't know if/how I can do the other things you requested
<ndufresne> squashfs overhead really ?
<ndufresne> it's doing massive amount of read()
<diederik> could that be due to a bad SDcard?
<ndufresne> which on the squash fs is very surprising
<ndufresne> the SD card data partition is FAT
<ndufresne> the squash FS is the read-only OS
<diederik> yeah. I've already made a backup to an external device and already prepped a spare SDcard as I noticed it had some difficulty starting up recently
<diederik> Main issue I have is that my rock64 gets HOT. So hot that basically any 4k stream will make it overheat and thereby freeze up. Pulling the plug is the only remedy then
<diederik> I don't know if it's relevant, but mentioned it just in case
<diederik> I'm running kernel "Linux kodi-rock64 5.10.47 #1 SMP Mon Jul 5 19:05:21 CEST 2021 aarch64 GNU/Linux" and this version: "nightly-20210705-7e5854c (RK3328.arm)"
<ndufresne> well, 4K on RK3328 is a lot, just mentionning
<ndufresne> have you consider just adding a passing heatsink ?
<ndufresne> * passive
<diederik> Yep. Plan to order the alu heatsink ( soon. And the one you linked as well (I'm aware they're mutually exclusive)
<ndufresne> Yeah, the cooling case looks pretty nice
<ndufresne> yes, they are exclusive, you cannot use both together, as both have a thermal pad to the same spot
<diederik> IMO Pine64 should have mentioned that the rock64 really needs a cooling solution
<ndufresne> it only needs cooling if you turn on the GPU
<ndufresne> i.e. it's not black and white, depends on what you do with hit
<ndufresne> it
<ndufresne> in early panfrost demo, we melted a table top with an rock-pi4 (rk3399)
<ndufresne> the cpu would throttle to try and cool down the GPU, was not very efficient
<diederik> Trying to experiment with it, I tried to build a custom kernel on it -> freeze. So far it _looks_ like if you actually/really use it, it gets so hot it shuts down
<ndufresne> perhaps the performance setting are too agressive, since it should just throttle these days, but it depends a bit on what build you got for the GPU, I bet it'S using the mali blob on released LE
<diederik> possibly inspired by me/my reports, someone (on irc:Pine64/#rock64) created this: (which uses the heatsink you linked)
<ndufresne> not that it's better with Lima, not sure how far they are on GPU scaling
<ndufresne> I hope there is i2c fan controller cheaper then an Arduino
<diederik> yeah, it could be further improved upon. My main problem is that I don't have a 3D printer
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<diederik> when I run 'perf top -g' on my main pc, it does have a stable screen output (like top)
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<diederik> while I fully agree that I should have some cooling device (esp when playing 4k streams), I did expect it to cool down when doing nothing, like right now when it's (still) on the sysinfo hardware page
<diederik> Current temp is 62C and while it does fluctuate a bit, it's consistently around that. That screen also shows CPU usage and that surprised me (hence the question here)
<diederik> IIRC a while ago, it only froze when playing a 4k HDR x265 stream, but now it's essentially any 4k stream
<diederik> I have a video conversion script where I though to convert 4k x265 to 1080p x264, but there was a bug in there, so it was a 4k x264 stream
<diederik> ndufresne: "it depends a bit on what build you got for the GPU" do you mean HW build or SW (ie LE) build?
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<diederik> is there something like a 'toram' option? 'free -h' reports 157Mi in use, 3.4Gi free. I wouldn't mind it using more RAM, especially if apparently the squashfs read is causing so much load
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