<byteit101[m]> Is there a way to supress eching JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS messages at startup? It's interfering with tests
<byteit101[m]> Good progress was made on win32
<byteit101[m]> Realized a dumb optimization that can be handy: j = 0; p Time.now.to_f; 100_000.times{|i| require 'json'; j+=i;}; p Time.now.to_f
<byteit101[m]> require should mostly be able to be removed in jit passes, if it returns true
<headius> yo
<headius> we are not setting that JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS, I don't think
<headius> ok it is set in the -Ptest maven test suite
<headius> to enable the scripting module in JDK... there may be a better way
AlenSebastian[m] has joined #jruby
<byteit101[m]> No, I am due to this: https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/7621
<byteit101[m]> Wow, irb is hot garbage in windows terminal
<headius> Yeah I need to work on that
<headius> It is super dependent on the io-console stuff working well
<byteit101[m]> huh, is there some weird lexical caching going on with redefining kernel methods?
<byteit101[m]> Ah no, open3_windows.rb is a thing
<byteit101[m]> how can I ignore that?
<byteit101[m]> Ok phew, i think I'm past that
<byteit101[m]> oh dear, I think I may have to keep a list of handles to avoid race conditions?
<byteit101[m]> Is there a way I can rename a class? ie make obj.class.name change?
<byteit101[m]> I think we may need to rewrite IO.popen in ruby
<byteit101[m]> what core method do I need to change for ` to use subspawn?