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<kares[m]> JavaClass is meant to go away eventually, some methods are still used (internally) but most are not or only from also deprecated callers
<kares[m]> been trying to supress some of the useless warnings there - not sure what the current status is will need to poke around a bit to see
<kares[m]> where's this coming from, trying to get to Java 17 and it gets a lot of warnings?
<headius> kares: take a look at the PR I merged, I managed to move most of the utility functions out to non-deprecated classes and eliminated pretty much all of the legacy JI warnings
<headius> And yeah there are way more deprecation warnings on 17 or 19 but I could really only fix a few of those since they depend on newer APIs then we can use
<kares[m]> okay - yeah I've seen the PR and started post-reviewing the changes ... so far so good
<kares[m]> well done handling the cleanup!
<headius> kares: thanks! If we jump to 17 for 9.5 we can fix nearly all of the Java deprecations
<enebo[m]> ugh
<enebo[m]> kares: I am fairly sure this is just a bad pattern match too
<enebo[m]> but this is probably good enough where I will spin a postgres release today
<enebo[m]> there is one other really obvious issue where we return timestamp and not a datetime but we fail ~100 F/E which is better than 99.8%
<headius> yay
<headius> enebo: so I was reviewing some of my PRs
<headius> what I have now is basically everything except line, coverage, and c_* events
<headius> the c_* events could possibly be added but since they have to wrap around Java calls they require a good bit of indy logic and would make the method stub objects bigger
<headius> in fact this all makes generated bytecode bigger and makes indy necessary to avoid overhead when trace is off
<headius> I could commit this still guarded behind --debug and just call it a win on lower-cost tracing but I don't know if that has much value
<headius> so I dunno
<enebo[m]> yeah
<headius> c_call and c_return can be done with indy too, always on in the DynamicMethod stubs and wrapped around the target in indy mode
<enebo[m]> I guess landing it in that form is least that can be done
<headius> maybe I should instead do another pass trying to make indy always-on
<headius> yeah
<enebo[m]> My main concern is warmup and eventual speed
<headius> I don't want to lose it but the additional bytecode for every method and block body is irreducible
<enebo[m]> without reasonable measurement of impact it is hard to think we just roll with it
<enebo[m]> but putting it in behind --debug at least gets the impl into the code base
<headius> the original goal was to get call and c_call working for the tracing enhanced test asserts so we don't have to pass --debug (or don't warn when it is omitted) and this does not get c_call
<headius> that enhanced assert just uses tracing to produce a better error message
<headius> so...
<enebo[m]> any thought on longer term idea of just passing line into callMethod ish stuff and hiding this all not in bytecode or indy?
<headius> that's essentially what the indy c_call does... wraps the target with a hook checking call site that does nothing if hooks are not on
<enebo[m]> It still translates to bytecode over all so there is a check but the actual mechanism to just keep it on the stack seems like something we could do once we put other stuff in that param list
<headius> the non-indy version requires backtrace which jitted code does not emit
<enebo[m]> err not in the generated version but somewhere
<headius> the indy version of c_call basically just embeds the file and line into the call site metadata so it can be used if hooks are ever turned on
<headius> it adds an additional safepointish thingy to every bound indy call
<headius> "should" boil away when hooks are off but it has to get optimized to do that
<headius> I dunno, I really would love to do always on hooks but without some sort of deopt it adds at least size and time... larger bytecode, more method handles, longer to optimize away
<enebo[m]> yeah
<enebo[m]> My concern is what cost is it to eliminate needing the flag
<enebo[m]> personally it is mildly annoying but things like coverage tend to be in testing where adding a flag is not a big deal
<headius> it's basically ALOAD + INVOKEDYNAMIC for every entry and exit of Ruby methods or blocks right now
<enebo[m]> sounds significant
<enebo[m]> since nearly all of Ruby is a call
<headius> I'm more concerned with the size increase for small methods
<headius> I think I'll commit it as is but still guard call/return/b_call/b_return behind the flag
<enebo[m]> so what new stuff is on?
<headius> raise and thread events will always be one now because I figured they're high cost anyway
<headius> (still guarded behind a boolean check for events being on, so it only adds an if to normal case)
<enebo[m]> ok
<headius> ok
<enebo[m]> going for a walk
<headius> oh one other small bonus: this moves all trace hook management out of into a new class TraceEventManager
<headius> ok it's done
<headius> ok next item I have questions about:
<headius> so that apurtell who has the CVE concerns can't upgrade to 9.4.x because of a readline/reline issue in the hbase shell they are supporting
<headius> I am not sure what to do
<headius> I asked him to report those issues, but this puts pressure on us to reconsider updating Psych and SnakeYAML in 9.3.x
<headius> enebo: a question about setting call info when you get back... I see we are setting it to 0 now all the time for non-kwarg calls but I'm wondering if there's any way to eliminate that
<enebo[m]> headius: back
<headius> yo
<enebo[m]> callInfo is complicated
<headius> I was just noticing it is around all === calls for case/when too as I revisit my bytecode reductions there
<enebo[m]> ah yeah
<enebo[m]> so there are a few things to think about with callInfo atm
<enebo[m]> 1. any method can accept an empty **kw and not complain
<enebo[m]> 2. I actually went the route of if/elsing on this in IR code itself so Ruby will not send that but that needs to change
<enebo[m]> 3. I want to kill most of those keywords=true for calls which merely forward kwargs to the next method
<enebo[m]> 4. We have not really formalized how we want methods to accept kwargs
<enebo[m]> that last one is not so important for today but it is something
<headius> yeah so really the ultimate path forward is passing the arguments along but that's a long project
<enebo[m]> yeah
<headius> so in the shorter term there's reducing setCallInfo on one hand and rolling into indy call sites on the other hand
<headius> given that it's a single thread-local bit of information reducing it more gets trickier
<headius> we have to set it and clear it or state will leak
<enebo[m]> My current experiment was to shift kwarg state to second part of callInfo so forwarding could be eliminated
<enebo[m]> but that is independent of any check to make sure we do not arity error on an empty kwrest
<headius> right hmm
<enebo[m]> so one access and one shift + set
<enebo[m]> but that shift + set will pay for itself in brittleness of what we have
<headius> I ask because I was wondering if we are clearing callInfo reliably do we need to set it to 0
<enebo[m]> the if/else in IR itself does solve the empty thing largely but it very expensive compared to a bit check
<headius> but that is assuming we clear it for certain after everywhere it should be consumed
<enebo[m]> so if you don't set it and it stays the same value any next method after a native method thinks it recieved kwargs whether it did or not
<enebo[m]> If you marked a bit on it saying I entered native (an idea I had considered) it would be possible to know something but you are still messing with that int
<enebo[m]> I think MRI should have errored on empty kwargs
<enebo[m]> mri31 -e 'def foo; "HEH" end; h = {}; p foo(**h)'
<enebo[m]> This is dumb
<headius> yeah I agree with that in principal
<enebo[m]> and for us it means bifurcating a call at some point to not pass it or have all methods need to check for it
<enebo[m]> Current design in Ruby code is to bifurcate in IR itself but I think it should get put into call impl
<headius> what would you think of putting call info into CallBase as call metadata right now, so I could stick it in indy logic
<enebo[m]> The original if/else happened when I thought you could flag hashes as keyword hashes
<headius> it really is call metadata after all
<enebo[m]> now all calls know if they receive kws and at times whether they are already empty
<headius> all call instr invokes will have to set CallInfo but then I can embed it in indy and eliminate the extra bytecodes at least
<enebo[m]> yeah it just was a potential opt but as it stands it is probably just more bytecode in JIT
<enebo[m]> interp is slower but only if you explicitly are using kwargs at a site
<enebo[m]> all receivers in Ruby pay no cost
<enebo[m]> if we were RiR this would be a bit simpler too
<headius> the two things I'd like to do tonight/tomorrow is both involve making calls smarter:
<enebo[m]> removing bifurcation altogether would mean checking everywhere but it would be extremely rare and a flag bitwise op which compared to all the other machinery may not show up for much more than math microbenches
<headius> 1. call info as call metadata so I can include it with the call itself
<enebo[m]> and probably not then
<headius> 2. boolean return value from dynamic calls
<enebo[m]> For 1 callInfo is metadata already in callinstr
<enebo[m]> so you have it except for the liveness
<headius> aha ok
<enebo[m]> and having to know whether on the caller side if it has a splat or not
<enebo[m]> err callee
<enebo[m]> hahah you know what I mean
<headius> ah yes I se it in JVMVisitor.CallInstr
<headius> so I can do the rest of that myself
<enebo[m]> So my if/else was before that happened
<enebo[m]> you can rip all that out if you wantr to put the empty test into call impls
<headius> the boolean thing is interesting because every when has an additional aload + isTrue call right now and those would disappear
<enebo[m]> That is funny. I noticed that a few months back
<headius> not to mention branches and loops
<enebo[m]> It was one of those of crud
<enebo[m]> yeah I think I noticed it in branches
<enebo[m]> not neccesarily ===
<headius> indy sites will just wrap the return path with !(ret == false || ret == nil)
<enebo[m]> so how do you envision that...specialized call1ObInstr?
<enebo[m]> where b is boolean
<headius> yeah
<headius> we do have some support for boolean retval but it's in the unboxing stuff
<enebo[m]> yeah nice. then interp should not need an interpret method so long as it is just marked as calloperation
<headius> for some limited number of call forms, though, I think we can cover a large number of common isTrue checks
<headius> === will always be an arity 1 call
<enebo[m]> So you also need to add specialized Branch*
<enebo[m]> I said above you don't need to add interpret but you can and it will still work (albeit with boxing) because temp is Object
<enebo[m]> boxing probably is cheaper than isTrue
<enebo[m]> Actually I take that back the interp will not figure that out
<headius> short term it would just be a bytecode reduction
<headius> for JIT
<headius> it could be done as a JIT-only pass
<headius> so we don't introduce boolean boxing into interp
<enebo[m]> If you assume you are not always true or false it should get rid of bimorphism
<enebo[m]> unless it gets both impls back and says of one true and one false
<enebo[m]> which perhaps it does
<headius> longer term it makes it possible for us to have core methods return boolean rather than RubyBoolean and many such cases will then never even touch a RubyBoolean or do the nil/false check
<enebo[m]> less bytecode for sure
<enebo[m]> simple stack check for impl
<headius> so like str.match? or fixnum == fixnum2 can return boolean and start to fold away better
<headius> so I will do the callInfo change to indy sites first and then see what it would take to do the boolean thing
<headius> at least for case/when because that's a big offender
<enebo[m]> unrelated but I added some int instrs to support pattern matching
<headius> ah interesting
<enebo[m]> addInstr(new BIntInstr(sizeCheckEnd, BIntInstr.Op.LTE, argsNum, length));
<enebo[m]> where ArgsNum is Operand argsNum = new Integer(fixedArgsLength);
<enebo[m]> so primitive math is possible if you feel you need it internally
<headius> yeah nice
<headius> that will be useful later when we want to move more core to ruby
<enebo[m]> other things maybe not noticed is named labels
<headius> for e.g. loops we know we want to just be int loops
<enebo[m]> yeah so long as we can know the result is going to be an integer (well long I am pretty sure) we can
<enebo[m]> in fact BInt exists already too
<headius> yeah from the unboxing stuff
<enebo[m]> no from pattern matching I think
<headius> oh right
<headius> there's similar instrs for unboxing
<enebo[m]> I wonder how that stuff has held up
<headius> I do need to get more familiar with pattern matching and see what I can do in jIT
<enebo[m]> It is epic
<enebo[m]> but there are simple patterns
<enebo[m]> tbh it makes defined? look simple
<enebo[m]> but the basic patterns could be done much more simply
<headius> yeah I am keen to optimize them
<enebo[m]> I believe realizing something is homogeneous during parse could give some weight to doing more opted stuff
<enebo[m]> yeah in theory if you know all arms are 3-length array arms you could even just getaway with a single array length check and compare nothing
<enebo[m]> but there are lots of opts possible
<enebo[m]> unfortunately I don't know how common that is in real code
<enebo[m]> most uses I have seen mix lots of patterns together
<enebo[m]> even if just different arities (still that is optable as well)
<headius> two quick optimizations on a new branch: setCallInfo(0) now just does clearCallInfo
<headius> and an indy site so all callInfo in JIT are just load context ; indy