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<PavanNambi[m]> lol this video should be refered to new contributors this soo good as it also says how to approach codebase
<jimtng[m]> Hi @enebo, I've got another parameter related mystery for you. I wonder if this is a bug in (full message at <>)
<jimtng[m]> s/@//, s/,//, s///
<jimtng[m]> Java17
<headius> Does it work in earlier versions?
<enebo[m]> jimtng: yeah earlier versions of Java and earlier versions of JRuby both. It seems odd to see this error as the parameters are not all that unusual. The nil -> null can at times confuse deciding on overloads but it shouldn't in this case.
<enebo[m]> but since you said the string param does make it work it must be related to that
<enebo[m]> hard to believe that isn't noisy
<enebo[m]> but cool to see it reduce
<headius> this is on 17
<enebo[m]> my element icon is a bunch of vertical stripes now
<headius> on 11 seems to be a bit slower starting but ultimately the same relative result
<enebo[m]> from a wall clock perspective I am sure a larger run will not change but I am wondering if overall CPU is reduced if you do something bigger
<headius> it's a bit slower on gem list so there's still some overhead getting going I'd need to sort out
<headius> interesting... --dev with invokedynamic.handles is fastest starting on gem list and -e 1
<headius> few classes to load I suppose
<headius> fewer
<headius> it is amazing how much we speed up running in the same JVM repeatedly
<headius> running gem list in a loop within the same JVM gets down to 0.73s from 3.88s
<headius> looping in same JVM indy eventually wins at 0.59s
<headius> even though we are throwing away jitted stuff every loop
<jimtng[m]> enebo: if this is caused by jruby, should I create an issue? Unfortunately I don't know how to create a simple reproducible project. In the mean time I've simply worked around it by calling a different overload with two arguments (instead of three) provided by the java class when the first one is nil.
<jimtng[m]> I'll start with this