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<edipofederle[m]> Morning
<headius> Morning!
<fzakaria[m]> Morning!
<edipofederle[m]> headius: do you had the chance to check the ?
<headius> I will look now... yesterday got a little crazy
<edipofederle[m]> no problem, when possible :)
<headius> merged!
<headius> enebo: byteit101: where do we stand with
<headius> looks like byteit101 identified a problem but not sure if any moves have been made to fix it
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<enebo[m]> I haven't looked into it at all past the comments I made
<headius> ok
<headius> I am going to look at the last few blockers on my list for 9.3
<enebo[m]> The last sentence I made in the comment on 6173 (case/when) is very interesting though
<enebo[m]> Basically we build Array/List node as an array/list which means it will never end up being the all literal case
<enebo[m]> but MRI now destructures the array into individual whens which allows when 1,2,3 to still be detected as only literals
<enebo[m]> One issue with this strategy is that when not literals it causes both our interps to call eqq more
<enebo[m]> err not more but more from witin the interp
<enebo[m]> vs in a helper method in C/Java
<headius> so the problem is that we are eagerly evaluating the list of conditions and then passing that out to a list-based eqq logic
<enebo[m]> well the actual issue has nothing to do with list node
<headius> but we should eval and eqq separately for each in the list
<enebo[m]> the actual lazy issue reported is that they will not generically build an argspush but pass it to a special method which builds lhs and rhs in their own branches
<headius> does this need to change in parser or just compiler? We could build the IR such that there are separate when conditions each with the same target
<enebo[m]> although in theory a listnode could have the same issue
<enebo[m]> it is just a builder issue
<enebo[m]> it will just be more branches
<headius> yeah
<headius> can't really be avoided
<enebo[m]> for the destructuring list part of this we could even do this more java-friendly and still pass as a list internally in cases where that would not cause problems
<headius> ah right, as long as there's no side effect to evaluating a condition
<enebo[m]> It is a little hairy all problem leave as IRuubyObject[] internally but laziness in 2.6 may mean no resolution of things like autoload
<enebo[m]> in any case the big benefit is people tend to put homogeneous data into whens so this may allow us to use literal-only case optimizations more often
<enebo[m]> when it isn't the case more interp (which no biggy once JITd) and more code generated
<headius> this is a nice discovery:
<headius> PR coming soon hopefully or we can fix it the way he describes
<headius> I am triaging recent issues and then back to 9.3 for the rest of the week
<enebo[m]> 500ms cache?
<enebo[m]> stat() is the source of all performance issues as I used to always joke but I wonder how that patch effects us on faster systems too
<headius> yeah for sure
<headius> also interesting that the cache is getting evacuated right away... we may want to audit other weak caches
<headius> they may be doing nothing at all
<enebo[m]> the other comment was interesting too about weakmap never having anything in it
<enebo[m]> yeah
<enebo[m]> we will halve startup time :)
<headius> I wish
<headius> it will help jruby-complete and other embedded use for sure though
<headius> really wish we could find a good jar caching library to replace this stuff with
<enebo[m]> I do remember years ago load resolution was 20-30% of startup but that was before rubygems and tough to measure
<headius> jar filesystem logic basically
<enebo[m]> oh yeah this was for jar but I started thinkg about it in terms of actual filesystem as well
<enebo[m]> there is a lack of determinancy in time stamps and file system changes so I wonder if we could stat less in that case troo
<enebo[m]> I have always wanted a user-based filesystem where all gems and lib/ruby lived where we could just re-index on anything changing and precalculate a lot of stuff
<enebo[m]> so it would still be a file-based resolution but behave more like an image-based one
<headius> yeah for sure
<headius> 99% of those files never change
<headius> 99.9
<enebo[m]> yeah virtually no files ever change outside the actual project itself
<enebo[m]> I had thought about the idea also of having a mode which assumes no gems or stdlib can change while running so we just precalc all that stuff
<enebo[m]> if you need to debug by changing a line in an installed gem you disable the mode
<enebo[m]> but I am not a fan of filesystem resolution. The utility of it is obvious but we all pay a pretty big time penalty for it
<headius> ugh another problem with JAVA_HOME determination
<headius> appears to affect the bash script too... the /usr/bin/java on MacOS is not a symlink so we can't traverse it to find the actual JDK dir
<headius> it is a binary that launches whatever JDK is default for the system
<headius> FML
<headius> enebo: I think we will have to check some command output at least on MacOS to figure out if this is a module-enabled JDK level
<headius> now I am sad
<enebo[m]> HAHAH man that is disappointing but so Apple
<headius> hmm we can use this though!
<headius> $ /usr/libexec/java_home
<headius> /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-17.jdk/Contents/Home
<enebo[m]> OTOH linux has alternatives which does work but is largely useless for us
<headius> benefit of walled garden is that this will work on all MacOS... so I guess we need to modify the launcher to check for MacOS (or check for this command) and use that as home
<headius> only if env is not set
<enebo[m]> ok well so we will just roll this out whenever and people can manually set HOME until then
<enebo[m]> JAVA_HOME that is...I hope we all have HOME set
<headius> hah
<headius> yeah the workaround is not that onerous
<headius> funny we never saw this because I always use pickjdk which sets JAVA_HOME
<enebo[m]> yeah our dev envs always are a little different just due to needing to switch jvms often
<headius> right
<headius> and who uses java without JAVA_HOME I mean come on seriously
<enebo[m]> Some mac users
<headius> pshaw
<enebo[m]> just nedding it up
<headius> I guess I'll just fix this while I am here
<headius> that seems to work ok
<headius> similar change will be needed in launcher so I will look into that too 🙄
<byteit101[m]> > looks like byteit101 identified a problem but not sure if any moves have been made to fix it
<byteit101[m]> No moves, I wasn't sure how to fix. The super search algorithm was very confusing to me when implementing my changes, and I am surprised I got it working as much as I did
<byteit101[m]> > and who uses java without JAVA_HOME I mean come on seriously
<byteit101[m]> _raises hand_
<headius> hah but you are on Linux no?
<headius> it is mostly just annoying that MacOS does not set a default JAVA_HOME for the default JDK
<byteit101[m]> yes, debian
<headius> yeah on linux at least we can traverse the java symlink to find JDK
<byteit101[m]> Probably a good idea to add a test for 6718 once fixed. easy enough with my minimal repro
<byteit101[m]> 6718
<headius> for sure
<headius> ahh it is a symlink but to another useless location
<headius> $ ls -l /usr/bin/java
<headius> lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 74 Sep 24 2019 /usr/bin/java -> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/java
<headius> so we end up with JAVA_HOME = something weird in that path
<headius> byteit101: do you have a java_home command anywhere?
<headius> I thought I remembered something like that under debian java alternatives
<headius> weird failure in the jruby PR, not sure how my change could have caused this
<headius> only travis so I have to wonder if it is just travis
<headius> works fine locally... something with linux maybe
<byteit101[m]> headius: no
<headius> hmmm I do not know why this change breaks CI
<headius> byteit101: thanks
<headius> something wrong with my bash logic here
<basshelal[m]> headius: Don't forget to let me know which projects you want to be upgraded to JUnit5
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<headius> ugh I can't see a problem with this... anyone on Linux can reproduce the failures in this travis job using my PR?
<headius> the patch should be simple to apply locally... apply, rebuild or copy bin/jruby.bash to bin/jruby
<headius> it bundle installs ok and rspec installs but then it doesn't seem to be available for rake tasks
<headius> like that one
<headius> basshelal: I can handle JRuby and others but if you want to go through the jnr projects that would be great
<headius> I will look at your changes later and try to apply the same to non-JNR projects (I hate the current test output because it is useless on remote CI)
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<RobertNicholas[m> you can always add `gem list` in after it installs them
<RobertNicholas[m> the only thing I can think is the gems are being installed in a different ruby than the one it's using
<headius> yeah I can't repro on a local ubuntu VM which should be pretty close to travis... it works fine
<headius> commenting out those lines makes it work, but why would they affect anything
<headius> there is no /usr/libexec/java_home on my u
<headius> ubuntu env
<RobertNicholas[m> I'd put `gem env` into the pipeline and `GEM_PATH=/home/travis/.gem/jruby/2.5.0:/home/travis/build/jruby/jruby/lib/ruby/gems/shared gem list`
<RobertNicholas[m> more than likely the gems are being installed in a system ruby instead of at `/home/travis/.gem/jruby/2.5.0:/home/travis/build/jruby/jruby/lib/ruby/gems/shared`
<headius> it's not a bad theory, I just don't know how my patch could cause that
<headius> UGH ok maybe it was a travis problem
<headius> it is green with latest push
<headius> enebo: TRAVIS
<RobertNicholas[m> switch to gitlab 😆
<headius> we need to get off travis... this happens almost weekly
<headius> unexplainable failures
<RobertNicholas[m> gitlab is super easy to setup
<RobertNicholas[m> moved all our stuff to it 6 months ago and have never looked back, just wish the company I work for would do the same 🤣
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<headius> yeah moving away from github is probably not feasible right now but I should start doing my other projects at gitlab
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<RobertNicholas[m> you can always mirror the repository, though I suppose for outsiders working on jruby that might complicate things
<RobertNicholas[m> that's what I do with rubycore, it's mirrored from gitlab > github
<RobertNicholas[m> but whatever you do don't use github actions, if you think travis is bad 😆
<headius> why do you say that?
<headius> we have used some GHA so far and it is at least more reliable than Travis
<RobertNicholas[m> we use it heavily at work, have had 6 outages (longer than an hour) in the past 2 months, it doesn't have a way to add non-secret values to your projects as variables, you can't modify secrets after they've been created, having proper manual triggered pipelines is hidden behind a only half working beta feature. You can self-host their runners but the runners don't work when actions goes down anyway, there's a ton more lmao
<headius> hmm yeah that does sound unpleasant
<headius> ok well I merged in the fix for jruby.bash and pushed a new jruby-launcher gem with that fix
<headius> doesn't feel like a productive day
<headius> bbl