headius: thanks for reviewing my PR, sorry about the git problems, still figuring it out, let me know how to solve it, I don't mind you squashing into 1 commit
And thanks also fzakaria
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Yes, but I just tried to read the C code for now, I don’t debug it yet to see it in action
I think it would be getMethodLocation but I am not sure now
One question, do you guys use gdb for explore C code?
I believe this is confirming we are aliasing a method on the current class before changing the visibility, and otherwise adds a "zsuper" type of method that uses super logic
I do sometimes yes
if you can gdb through that with a simple example you could compare origin class to the hierarchy in JRuby
I keep meaning to document origin so let's figure that out today
I will debug it and let’s see
Thanks for now
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Hopefully the feedback was constructive. I'll go over your response today. My familiarity with the repo is minimal, so I was giving it a review from a fresh perspective ;)
thank you for having a look at it
fzakaria: yeah no worries, thanks for it, the more eyes the better, plus its nice to see what more experienced people think of my work, I'm still new at all this (if you couldn't already tell)
There's sometimes a little bit of "if you touch code, you are responsible for improving it" lol
(For when meta-questions pop-up on why things are done previously the way they are)
Yeah I saw that, but then there's always the fear of breaking existing functionality by improving it, so it's a difficult balancing game
Breaking as in changing it from what it currently is, because someone may probably depend on it behaving that way
btw, what do you guys are using ? IntelliJ or some IDE or some editor (emacs, vim , VCCode etc). I'm a Emacs user, but for Java I know is hard (and maybe does not makes sense too). So what are the statistics about it her?
most of us use IntelliJ
* btw, what do you guys are using ? IntelliJ or some IDE or some editor (emacs, vim , VCCode etc). I'm a Emacs user, but for Java I know is hard (and maybe does not makes sense too). So what are the statistics about it here.
for editing other than Java, I use vim and enebo uses emacs
looks the same so :)
headius: the sassc author has an experimental wrapper https://github.com/bolandrm/dart-sass-ruby with proto buffers. There's still work to be done to make it cross-plaform, but with a little effort I think it should work on JRuby as well.
Guys, is possible to use Ruby C `rb_sprintf` function inside a LLDB session ?
I think I have heard this question before but I do not know the answer
I think it works, justin callind `include ruby.h`
* I think it works, justin calling `include ruby.h`