totally haven't had tea yet this morning :P
I have a feeling it's putting more than just jruby in there from the look of that
I hear ya, starting some coffee myself
hmm, I've just remove the shadow plugin to see what the size looked like without it, gonna have to do some more digging on this one I think
or even installing a gem from the ruby / java code itself. An end user isn't going to have a system ruby installed, but I want to be able to install gems with the jruby located inside of my mod's jar where jruby (and the ruby scripts loaded by my java program) can access them
oooo I see
But these would not be able to go back into a jar right? They would go somewhere on filesystem?
I thought this worked already, installing into .gem or something
on the filesystem is fine but the question is how can I install a gem on the system when they don't have jruby-complete.jar on their system
if the jruby-complete contents get stuffed into your jar it should just be something like java -classpath yourjar.jar org.jruby.Main -S gem install rubyzip
oh really I'll give that a try
it is all still there in proper paths so I think it should work
basshelal: I just commented that I think we should merge and fix/cleanup bits and pieces in separate PRs. Leaving open for one more day to hear from fzakaria and possible enebo