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<antocuni> cfbolz: I think that that particular test subclasses int "just because", i.e. because it was a readily available base class. At that time, we didn't think about all the implications of subclassing primitive types
<cfbolz> antocuni: oh, it's all good! it made me think about how to implement it for real
<antocuni> good :)
<antocuni> in PyPy you mean?
<cfbolz> yes
<antocuni> cool
<antocuni> how? :)
<cfbolz> antocuni: we already have support for "hidden" fields in user-defined subclasses
<cfbolz> we use it for weakrefs
<antocuni> ah cool
<antocuni> so you add a hidden field to store a pointer to hpy_data?
<cfbolz> yes
<cfbolz> I mean we could always do that, but I think for object subclasses we want it to be more efficient
<cfbolz> and have a direct field
<cfbolz> (actually now that I think of it we can use the same trick to make cpyext more efficient for instances of user-defined classes and avoid the dict lookup)
<antocuni> I think I'm a bit confused
<antocuni> when you say "hidden fields", you are talking about RPython or app-level fields?
<cfbolz> app-level
<cfbolz> they are stored in the same place that regular instance fields go
<cfbolz> ie using the map and storage fields of the map
<antocuni> and "direct fields" are RPython fields?
<cfbolz> yes
<antocuni> ok
<antocuni> then yes, we should try to use a direct field
<cfbolz> we don't want an rpython field for hpy in *every* instance I think
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<antocuni> right
<antocuni> but here is where HPy is much easier than cpyext
<cfbolz> why?
<antocuni> we need hpy_data only for types which are defined in C
<antocuni> user-defined types
<antocuni> in cpyext, you can take a "normal" app-level int and cast it to PyObject*, which is a mess
<antocuni> in HPy, you cannot
<cfbolz> right, fine
<cfbolz> just saying that if we use an app-level hidden field we are good even for cpyext
<cfbolz> because it needs space only when used
<antocuni> so, the HPy user-defined type which subclasses int can be an instance of W_HPyObject_int or something like that
<cfbolz> antocuni: no, that doesn't work
<antocuni> why?
<cfbolz> antocuni: that means we need to generate tooooons of rpython classes
<cfbolz> one for every W_*Object
<cfbolz> in every module
<antocuni> no
<antocuni> one for every builtin type which HPy allows to subclass
<cfbolz> ok, I thought the plan was to allow a subclass of every type
<antocuni> uhm, I am a bit confused again now
<antocuni> you might be right
<antocuni> yes, I think you are right. Basically, the current W_HPyObject is used for instances of HPy subclasses of objects (which are the majority and the default)
<antocuni> and we would need the same for every superclass which as a W_*Object in RPython
<antocuni> which means that basically we need 2x W_*Object classes than what we have now (which might or might not be a good idea, I don't know)\
<antocuni> fangerer: at the sprint we talked about introducing a .builtin_shape field on HPyType_Spec: did you commit the code somewhere, or you have the sketch of the code which we wrote down?
<fangerer> yes, I have; but still in internal review. I'll try to accelerate that ...
<antocuni> thanks
<cfbolz> antocuni: we used to have much more auto-generated subclasses
<cfbolz> but I worked hard to get rid of them ;-)
<antocuni> I don't have a strong opinion, just saying that it's an option on the table
<antocuni> we might decide to have special subclasses only for a handful of types where it's useful
<cfbolz> yes, I'd like to see some extensions actually need it first
<antocuni> ah, I thought that numpy subclasses int and floats but maybe not?
<cfbolz> antocuni: sure
<cfbolz> do they have extra memory though?
<antocuni> good point
<antocuni> but actually, I don't know if they subclass at all. E.g. numpy.int64 is not a subclass of int
<antocuni> oh I see
<antocuni> it *used to be* a subclass of int
<antocuni> but now it cannot because in py3k int is not an int64
<antocuni> "good" :)
<fangerer> > ah, I thought that numpy subclasses int and floats but maybe not?
<fangerer> that's no longer the case in newer Numpy versions
<antocuni> that's good!
<fangerer> something after 1.16.4 (not exactly sure when that was refactored)
<fangerer> btw. I grepped through the top4000 packages to see how many extensions inherit from built-in types
<antocuni> cfbolz: please also have a look at the PR linked above, I think it's somehow relevant to our discussion
<antocuni> fangerer: thanks!
<fangerer> I just found one case for each of `long` and `unicode`, I think
<antocuni> in numpy?
<cfbolz> ah, that was another question I had
<cfbolz> does it really still make sense to call it h_LongType?
<cfbolz> that's a python2-ism
<antocuni> that's a good question
<antocuni> some for HPy_Unicode*
<antocuni> we wanted to minimize the differences w.r.t. the C API
<antocuni> but I agree it would be nice to rename them
<cfbolz> yes, I get that
<cfbolz> just pointing it out
<antocuni> I think we also already talked about a #include "hpy/compat.h" or similar which would help the transition
<cfbolz> for struct fields that is hard
<antocuni> so we could declare that we call them HPyInt_* and HPyStr_*, and then compat.h does the mapping
<antocuni> yes, struct fields are hard
<antocuni> I imagine we could have both ctx->h_LongType and ctx->h_IntType which are actually the same
<antocuni> and eventually deprecate/kill h_LongType
<cfbolz> that sounds more annoying than removing it before 1.0, honestly
<antocuni> yes
<cfbolz> but it's a bikeshedding discussion, just wanted to point it out
<antocuni> I think it's the kind of things that we want to discuss with CPython devs
<cfbolz> no, it's the kind of discussion that generates a huuuuuge amount of discussion 😆
<antocuni> maybe :)
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