DuToit: iirc, your Pillow port still uses legacy API, right? Then we won't be able to run the universal binary built with CPython. GraalPy requires a pure universal binary.
it is not trivial to override set_on_invalid_handle to raise an error on PyPy
the function is defined in py/debug/src/_debugmod.c, but that is the wrong level since it is a universal module and does not know about a python implementaiton detail
I think it needs to be done when importing the _debug module
but we have control on how we compile _debugmod: we can e.g. pass a #define or so
we are already compiling it differently, because we are using debug_ctx_cpython.c or debug_ctx_not_cpython.c depending on the case
for pypy, the relevant code to change the compilation options is llapi.py:eci
hmm, I am not sure what is easier: to add a #define to the eci and have another patch to the vendored code or to replace the app-level set_on_invalid_handle when importing the _debug module