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<Hodgestar> fangerer: Thank you for the hotel information.
<Hodgestar> I am catching up on things like IRC after being away last week.
<antocuni> so, today's call went well. I think that most of our and Mark's goals are aligned and we agreed it would be a good thing to converge
<antocuni> also, Mark said that he has not much time to actively work on this, so his idea was more to start the repo to develop a discussion
<antocuni> the biggest diverging point if whether to support moving GC or not
<antocuni> because his current proposal doesn't even mention it, and he's more interested in other design issues
<antocuni> but it's obvious that at some point the (C)Python community needs to decide whether moving GCs are first class citizens or not
<antocuni> I seem to understand that Mark's approach is that he would personally be fine as long as it doesn't impact negatively CPython
<antocuni> I also invited him to join next week's call
<phlebas> antocuni: I think the most important thing for us to communicate to the CPython core devs is that we want the CPython API and the C extension API to be two different things.
<phlebas> because I have the feeling that a lot of the discussion and Mark's ideas are really about the concerns and needs of CPython, not extension devs
<phlebas> whereas HPy couldn't care less how the future CPython C API looks - the whole point is that if they decide to rewrite in Rust next week or include Boehm for GC, C extensions would be unaffected
<antocuni> yes, we also talked about this point and I think we are on the same line
<phlebas> great :)
<antocuni> also, Mark made an important point "pro GC": eventually, it will be possible to integrate WebAssembly's code with the browser's GC, and currently CPython would be unable to make use of it
<antocuni> this alone might be the best selling point for HPy
<phlebas> ah, yes, that's a very good point. I wasn't aware that there are plans to integrate wasm with the JS GC
<antocuni> I'm also happy that in this particular discussion I can wear my HPy, PyPy and PyScript hats all at the same time :)
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<cfbolz> phlebas: all the browsers have a prototype implementation now
<antocuni> cfbolz: ah, I wasn't aware that it's already implemented. Do you have links?
<cfbolz> antocuni: nope, 'private communication' 😅
<cfbolz> I chatted with some of the involved people
<antocuni> cool
<antocuni> cool that it's happening, not cool that it's private )
<cfbolz> It's not private I think. But I don't know what links to give you
<antocuni> sure :)
<cfbolz> antocuni: here is the chrome issue I think
<antocuni> thanks!
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<cfbolz> antocuni: if you have any specific questions I can ask Andy Wingo. He's pretty involved in the whole thing
<antocuni> no specific questions but good to know that I can ask in case I need. I think that eventually we will want to integrate the Python GC with the WASM GC, but it's going to be a long way
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<cfbolz> antocuni: step 1) migrate everything to hpy
<phlebas> step 2) ??
<phlebas> step 3) profit!
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