will the BOF session be broadcast or recorded?
DuToit has joined #hpy
I've completed my first benchmark for HPy, for copying an Image object. The code to generate it is here: https://imgur.com/9sppdIL. I've graphed the results here: https://imgur.com/Q38Zyns . This compares HPy to the C API only on CPython, as I'm having a bit of an issue with getting PyPy to work with HPy, and with getting GraalPython to create
virtual envs. For PyPy, this is the traceback when trying to import PIL after building the library: https://imgur.com/4qCAcoT. For GraalPython, I simply get an ensurepip error.
DuToit: cool! sorry if I missed this, did you already publish the code somewhere? I'd be interested in trying to see what the graalpython issue is :)
phlebas: I'm not running my code on GraalPython, the issue occurs when making a venv - the venv folder is created, but there is no activate file so it can't be used. My terminal output is here: https://imgur.com/STyqAjI. I installed the community edition of GraalVM and installed GraalPython with gu.
DuToit: what version of pypy are you using?
where is the HPy version of pillow?
what is the y axis in the graph, and do you know why some runs of cpython are so much slower? Is it because of disk caching?
I am a bit confused by the y axis since it seems there are non-integer counts there, or is it only my inability to read the graph properly
as you can see, there is an assert at line 149, which is probably the one which is failing for you
the easiest way to debug is to do a binary search in your PyType_Slot array (by commenting/uncommenting half of the lines at each iteration) to find which is the one which is not supported by PyPy
also, when you want to copy&paste long parts of text such as tracebacks or terminal output, it's probably a better idea to use a pastebin isntead of a screenshot :). Personally, I use https://paste.openstack.org/
antocuni: would a nightly build JustWork since we are supposed to support 0.0.4 there?
I don't think that 0.0.4 support is already merged
I'm working on the hpy-0.0.4 branch and it's not finished yet
I try to blindly guess: if you look at make_slot_wrappers_table, you see that c_bf_getbuffer&co. are ignored
so if the pillow code uses one of those legacy slots, it would probably hit the assertion
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DuToit: creating venvs with GraalPython should work since we do that in our release gates. I suggest that you create the venv without pip (i.e. `graalpython -m venv --without-pip ...`) and then run the `ensurepip` command separately. This should give you more errors.
What exact version GraalVM version did you use? Are you on Linux? I'll try to reproduce.
mattip: I don't know wether the BoF will be broadcast. SciPy is making some effort to allow remote participation at the conference, but I don't know whether that will extend beyond the talks. I'll have to see once I'm at the conference.
antocuni: For fixing the Pillow port, would the idea be to remove the c_bf_getbuffer slots and replace them with something not specific to PyPy? Or do those need to be supported by PyPy's HPy?
I think that currently we support HPy-native buffer slots, but we don't support legacy buffer slots
so to support pillow we either need to fix the legacy supports in pypy, or migrate pillow to use hpy slots for that
Maybe we can mention that to DuToit at the meeting tomorrow. For the Pillow benchmark, porting a bit more to HPy properly is maybe good anyway.
I'll try to come up with an agenda. Besides SciPy 2022 HPy BoF, is there anything you guys want to have on the agenda?
fangerer: Maybe let's add a short discussion about DuToit's Pillow port? Not sure there is a huge amount to discuss, but it would be good to have a bit of space anyway.
yes, sure
And maybe an update on the HPy++ mini-sprint in September if there is one?
And an update from the GraalPython team, of course!
It might be an idea to touch base on who is working on what at the moment and with how much of their time generally, so that we have a picture in our heads.
DuToit has joined #hpy
Sorry for going offline for a bit, I just had loadshedding (no power) for a few hours and my battery died. For PyPy, commenting out {Py_tp_dealloc, (destructor)_dealloc} fixed the issue in the screenshot, but raised this NotImplemented error: https://paste.opendev.org/show/b7BzITJbgPCfuCMpKsth/
DuToit: the error says it all :): PyPy does not support Py_tp_getset in legacy slots at the moment
as well as Py_tp_dealloc
I think that the idea is that eventually you should port all these methods to "pure" HPy, without using legacy functions
so once this is done, it should work also on PyPy
For GraalPython, I accidentally made a VM with only 1gb of ram, so trying to install pip broke the VM. I've increased the VM memory, and it seems to be going well now
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O_o :)
🙂 we are working hard to improve our mem footprint