antocuni: thanks for merging PR 331; I'll do some experiments with `tp_vectorcall`. Manually patching the type object after `PyType_FromSpec` is certainly possible.
Hodgestar: yes, I'll ask Victor about that.
antocuni: Hodgestar: I would like be more active on our HPy blog. Are there any resources of the SciPy2022 BoF session I can refer to?
more active blog: YES please, and thank you :)
we don't have any resource to link
antocuni, Hodgestar: maybe you could write down what you remember?
we can try to summarize what was discussed in the BoF: it's actually a good excercise
cfbolz: yes
fangerer: what did you have in mind for a blog post?
antocuni: blog post "HPy BoF at SciPy"
* antocuni
offline, will be back in ~40 minutes
Well, I would just like to mention that there was the BoF session at SciPy and I think a summary/conclusion of the session would be enough.
Maybe there were some promising ideas or some _testimonials_ or whatever that is worth mentioning.
I will also write a blog post that announces our the PyPy+HPy sprint in September. In particular because I need that to justify my travel ;-)
fangerer: we will also do a pypy blog announcement, if that's helpful
and I'm still trying to find out who can edit the Uni CMS :-/
🙂 sure, that also helps
(I found out that I *can* edit the room planing system, so at least there will be *something* on the uni domain ;-) )
Hodgestar: are you still planing to come btw?
we also have a dedicated hpy-bof channel on the SciPy slack, so we can probably ask people there to review/help/integrate the summary that we write
I just need to find the time to write it, surely not today
hopefully I should be able to dedicate next week to HPy :)
Thank you, that sounds great.
Hodgestar: did you take notes of the BoF, by chance?
fangerer: I unfortunately don't really have great hotel recommendations :-(
there is one that is at relatively close to campus (20 min by foot) that is supposed to be reasonable
okay, I think it's fine if we announce that everyone should look for a hotel as close as possible to HHU
fangerer: it's a campus, there is nothing close