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<fangerer> Sorry for the delay: I
<fangerer> just uploaded the meeting notes
<Hodgestar> Np!
<Hodgestar> fangerer, phlebas, antocuni: Enjoy meeting up later this week.
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* antocuni back online after PyCon
<antocuni> arigato: my time slot was only 30 minutes (25 + 5 Q&A), and the slides were just enough to cover the 25 minutes :)
<antocuni> Hodgestar: I saw you added a couple of comments, but it was after I already did the presentation :)
<antocuni> fangerer, phlebas: let me know if/when/where you are available to meet :)
<antocuni> (and steve_s also, maybe? Who is in Berlin?)
<Hodgestar> antocuni: Oh well!
<antocuni> thanks anyway!
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<fangerer> antocuni: How was your talk? Were people interested?
<antocuni> yes, the room was full, which is a bit unexpected considering the subject
<antocuni> they seemed interested and the talk was well received
<antocuni> although as usual it's a bit hard to say -- you almost never receive negative feedback 😅
<fangerer> great! yes, I know. But if they ask questions, you can get some feeling.
<fangerer> We ( phlebas, steve_s, and I) are on ECOOP tomorrow. I think we can meet on Wednesday or Thursday.
<antocuni> perfect, enjoy the conferece! Both days work for me
<antocuni> I suppose cfbolz will join as well?
<fangerer> good question; I haven't met him so far
<cfbolz> Are you meeting in Potsdam?
<fangerer> It would at least offer. We have some space at HPI to hang out. antocuni: would you mind to come to Potsdam?
<antocuni> what is HPI?
<cfbolz> I probably won't manage that part :-(
<antocuni> I don't understand, is the plan to meet for e.g. dinner or to work?
<antocuni> but anyway yes, generally speaking coming to Potsdam is not a problem